Close-up of a technician installing solar panels, highlighting the role of sustainable energy solutions in climate finance initiatives and promoting renewable energy sources — UNDP Rome Centre Sustainable Energy

Sustainable Energy

Italy-UNDP energy partnership

Overview and objective

The Italy-UNDP Energy Partnership was launched in 2022 jointly by UNDP and the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (IMEES) with the aim of to reducing the current energy access gap in developing countries by identifying clean energy initiatives and matching them with the required sources of finance.

Through its extensive country-level presence and convening power among local actors and institutions UNDP is the ideal implementing partner for such a programme, which requires coordination across key stakeholders of the respective national energy landscapes. Furthermore, as an international development institution, UNDP is well-positioned to build new partnerships among the innovative leaders in each of the national markets and the international sources of finance that will support the growing energy needs of developing economies. 



In the initial phase, the partnership will focus on a set of 8 countries: Algeria, Nigeria, Zambia, Kenya, Rwanda, Comoros, Mozambique, and Eswatini.  

  • In Phase 1, UNDP Rome Centre and UNDP country offices will identify action opportunities that will be converted to country-specific investment plans for scaling up energy access and other effective clean and sustainable energy solutions.
  • In Phase 2, these investment plans will be backed with investment-grade feasibility assessments and project designs that will enable both public and private financing to be deployed towards bankable initiatives and will serve to assist each country to then attract financing and funding from an investment vehicle that will allow for blended finance (including grant, private equity, and debt financing, together with a guaranteed scheme) to be deployed alongside policy de-risking technical assistance from UNDP towards a concrete portfolio of projects on sustainable energy.
Sustainable Energy Phase 1 — UNDP Rome Centre
Sustainable Energy Phase 2 — UNDP Rome Centre

Areas of work 

UNDP Rome Centre Sustainable Energy 2Development of bankable projects: Create a robust pipeline of sustainable energy projects that address local energy needs and that are ready for investment.
UNDP Rome Centre Sustainable Energy 1Regulatory and policy support: Facilitate essential reforms to create a favourable environment for clean energy investments.
UNDP Rome Centre Sustainable Energy 3Diverse financing solutions: Connect developed plans with potential financiers. Mobilise a blend of funding options including grants, equity, and debt to support the energy transition. 
UNDP Rome Centre Sustainable Energy 4Implementation: Support the operational deployment of projects, ensuring sustainable energy solutions are effectively implemented.

Geographical focus

The partnership initially targets eight African countries: Nigeria, Algeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Mozambique, Zambia, Eswatini, and Comoros, aiming to evolve an approach that can be replicated and scaled across the continent. 

Map Geographical Focus - UNDP Rome Centre Sustainable energy