Call for Poetry Submissions - International Women's Day 2023


February 23, 2023
UNDP Maldives Call for Poetry 2023


Multi-country poetry Recitation to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023

This year UNDP Nepal is inviting countries in the Asia Pacific region to join the multi-country poetry recitation event which will be held online.

UNDP Maldives is joining this multi-country initiative and invites poets from Maldives to submit original poems that have been published or not published under the theme International Women’s Day theme 2023 “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”. This theme is aligned with the priority theme for the upcoming 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW-67), “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”. 

Note: This event is a non- competing event open to the public.



The main objective of the multi-country event is to build awareness and sensitize women and men, especially young women and men, girls and boys to speak their mind and recognize the contribution of women and girls around the world, who are championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education and raise issues on safe digital space for women and girls by addressing online and ICT-facilitated gender-based violence through poetry which has created this online space. UNDP Nepal intends to publish all poems submitted for the multi-country event. The multi-country poetry recitation event will create a space: 

  • To reflect on the status of women and express opinions and concern in digital space and innovation
  • To raise awareness regarding the leadership role played by women specifically on transformative technology and digital education
  • To counter online harassment and creating safe digital space for women and girls
  • To encourage women and men, especially young women/girls, men/ boys to creatively express their ideas through poems


Details of submission from interested poets from the Maldives:

  • Submissions from Maldives need to be on the IWD theme “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality.” Possible Topics include; Women in Innovation & Technology, Digital Gender Gap, Women and Girls on Digital Space, Online Gender Based Violence, Digital World and Women, Digital Technology, Advocating for Sustainable Development Goals through innovation and digital enablers etc.
  • Poems can be in Dhivehi, English or any language as long as it is accompanied with a translation.
  • Can be submitted with an artwork or with a photo (Need to be of their own)
  • Need to be original poems by poet and also it could have been written some time back or newly created.
  • Submissions are accepted from women, men, youth, migrants living in Maldives.

Deadline: 04th March 2023, 03:00pm. Submissions need to be sent via email to 



UNDP Nepal and UNDP Maldives reserves the right to compile the poems, audio and videos, recordings of the recitation into a compendium for publication and/or public dissemination for no profit and submission of poems indicates willingness of this action.

Please note:

  1. The participants if their students who are minors (below 18 years of age) will need at least 1 parent/legal guardian to sign a permission slip related to the submission of private data.
  2. Persons over 18 years of age must provide consent for themselves on issue of data privacy at the time of submission of Poems to UNDP Maldives


Link to announcement by UNDP Nepal:

UNDP Nepal has announced National Poetry Competition

Multi-country recitation event is tentatively set for 13th March 2023. The modality (hybrid/virtual) is yet to be confirmed.



Consent form for adults here.

Consent form for children below 18 years here.