Insurance and Risk Finance Solutions to Build Resilience
April 4, 2023
New Diagnostic Study from Maldives Monetary Authority and UNDP sheds light on Maldives’ insurance industry - covering supply and demand, enabling environment and financial capacity of various sectors. The study also highlights opportunities and gaps in the industry and provides recommendations for developing insurance and risk finance solutions that can enhance the resilience of individuals and communities in the Maldives.
The findings of the study will be used to strategize collaboration between UNDP Maldives, government stakeholders, and the insurance industry, to develop tailored solutions to address specific challenges in insurance and risk finance solutions in Maldives.
The report's findings canguide the development of regulatory frameworks that encourage the growth of the insurance industry and foster public-private partnerships.
The ‘Development of Inclusive Insurance and Risk Financing Diagnostic Study‘ is crucial for promoting sustainable development and ensuring that vulnerable populations have access to the resources they need to thrive.