ISLANDS Inception Workshop
April 5, 2023
The inception workshop of the Indian Ocean ISLANDS – Maldives - Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in SIDS, funded by the Global Environmental Facility with the implementation support from UNDP Maldives, was opened by Minister of State Dr. Abdulla Naseer.
The main objective of the ISLANDS project is to prevent the future build-up of materials and chemicals entering the Maldives that contain Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and other harmful chemicals which could have adverse effects on the health of people and the ecosystems the country relies on.
The ISLANDS project will work with the Government and other stakeholders, to promote sustainable and non-chemical alternatives to current practices in key sectors such as agriculture, waste management, and tourism. The project will also support capacity-building, awareness-raising, and policy reforms to facilitate the adoption of sustainable and low-chemical practices and preventing future accumulation of harmful chemicals and materials.