Grant Available: Seeking Submissions for Green and Resilient Recovery Local Action Grant Project

May 22, 2023

UNDP Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei Darussalam is seeking qualified organisations to submit a Concept Proposal for the Green and Resilient Recovery Local Action Grant Project (‘GRR Project’) to be implemented between October 2023 and May 2025, in partnership with the Ministry of Finance, Malaysia.


In attaining the 2030 Agenda, it is important to consider that any transformation to the way communities live and work must consider any social aspects in ensuring the delivery of equitable outcomes and sustainable livelihoods, especially for disadvantaged communities, such as rural communities. Therefore, the transformations required should be aligned with the principle of a Just Transition, to ensure that efforts to ‘green’ the economy are fair and inclusive.


As such, the objective of the GRR Project is to create a local development model for just transitions in rural areas that combines aspects of renewable energy deployment, livelihood improvement through rural enterprises, and capacity building. 


Undertaken through a multi-stakeholder partnerships model, this project aims to support rural communities' transition towards low-carbon energy solutions, produce green products that help boost incomes while reducing the impact on the environment, and enhance the market competitiveness of rural enterprises.

Concept Proposal for grants

UNDP undertook consultations with public, private, and non-government organisations to understand the needs of rural communities and the dynamics of local development models. Accordingly, UNDP is seeking qualified non-government organisations / community-based organisations / grassroots organisations to submit a Concept Proposal for the GRR Project. 

To assist you in understanding the requirements of this, we have attached the following:

  • Annex 1: Green and Resilient Recovery Local Action Grant – Call for Concept Proposal Notice 
  • Annex 2: Green and Resilient Recovery Local Action Grant – Concept Proposal Guidance Note
  • Annex 3: Green and Resilient Recovery Local Action Grant – Concept Proposal Application Form

Should you be interested and decide to submit a proposal, kindly send the proposal no later than 1730 hrs (Malaysia time) on 23 June 2023 to and CC to with the email title of ‘Concept Proposal – GRR Project’. Please also contact the individuals above for any queries.  

Note: Applications without completed documents shall not be considered.

Thank you.