Towards a Green Transition of the Energy Sector in Ukraine

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Towards a Green Transition of the Energy Sector in Ukraine

June 20, 2023

Update on the Energy Damage Assessment, June 2023

The UNDP report, Towards a Green Transition of the Energy Sector of Ukraine, is a successor to the 2022 Ukraine Energy Damage Assessment(link is external), a comprehensive study jointly prepared by UNDP and the World Bank. While the previous report offered an initial overview of the damages sustained by the energy sector and covered the period February-December 2022, the current analysis performed by UNDP experts presents updated insights into the severity and extent of these damages and covers January-April 2023. It builds on data provided by the Government of Ukraine, specifically the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), Ukrenergo, and the Ministry of Energy. The report also reveals a roadmap for a resilient green recovery and closer integration with the EU.