Mongolia launches SDG Investor Map to unlock sustainable investment opportunities

July 8, 2023

Mongolia SDG Investor Map

UNDP Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, 9 July 2023: Today, during the Mongolia Economic Forum 2023, the Ministry of Economy and Development and UNDP jointly unveiled the Mongolia SDG Investor Map. This pioneering tool serves as a market intelligence resource aimed at channeling capital towards Mongolia's development priorities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) leveraging UNDP’s SDG Impact robust methodology. 

The SDG Investor Map has been created to spearhead potential investment into the sectors that have been identified as having a funding gap for bringing deep development impact. The launch of the SDG Investor Map is particularly crucial as financial resources have been redirected to address global crises, posing challenges in mobilizing funds for Mongolia's development priorities. 

According to UNDP (2022), Mongolia would need an additional expenditure of US$ 44.2 billion (MNT 126 trillion) or 17% of GDP annually until 2030 to achieve the national targets of the SDGs. 

The SDG Investor Map for Mongolia, joins over 30 other SDG Investor Maps listed globally on the SDG Investor Platform, has pinpointed 14 Investment Opportunity Areas (IOAs) that cover themes and business models across six sectors: Food and Beverage, Health Care, Services, Infrastructure, Renewable Resources and Alternative Energy and Finance. Additionally, the SDG Investor Map identifies 12 areas within five sectors that possess growth potential and align with Mongolia’s development priorities. Following the launch of the SDG Investor Map, UNDP and the Ministry of Economy and Development, together with partners, will organize a series of events to bring together investors, companies, and policymakers to accelerate capital towards the identified areas to provide stakeholders with a platform to collaborate and realize investment solutions. 

“Mongolia recognizes the importance of the private sector role and contribution in achieving national development plans, including Vision 2050 and the New Recovery Policy to increase national productivity by improving transport logistics, energy production, industrialization, urban and rural infrastructure, and green development. As we address trade issues and post-pandemic challenges, we promote value-added production and attract efficient investments where the SDG Investor Map plays a crucial role to identify investment opportunities aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.” said His Excellency Khurelbaatar Chimed, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Development. 

The Map not only highlights sectors with significant potential for sustainable development but also serves as a cornerstone for engaging in discussions on policy-level measures aimed at enhancing the ecosystem to facilitate private investors in raising capital in these areas. 

Ms. Lin Cao, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Mongolia, added “Mongolia's potential to attract international sustainable finance offers a promising avenue to address many of the development challenges including climate change, gender inequality, digital transformation and to accelerate the progress on the SDGs. The launch of the SDG Investor Map, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Development, presents an exciting opportunity to not only amplify businesses' efforts in environmental, social, and governance practices but also integrate sustainability and gender equality into their core operations, while also attracting direct investments towards ventures aligned with the SDGs.” 

The market intelligence generated by the SDG investor Map offers valuable advantages to private sector investors seeking sustainable investment opportunities. This comprehensive work equips both private and public sector stakeholders with crucial data necessary for adopting an evidence-based approach to effectively channel capital towards areas that present the greatest opportunities and fulfill the country's developmental needs. 

Ms. Fabienne Michaux, Director of SDG Impact, concluded, “We are delighted to have launched yet another SDG Investor Map, this time for Mongolia with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Development. Mongolia has taken meaningful strides to improve its economy for its people and environment. However, like many countries, the global crises have not only stalled government strategic plans for growth but set development backwards. We applaud the Government of Mongolia for its commitment to build forward with sustainability and the SDGs at the heart of development by using the market intelligence generated by the Mongolia SDG Investor Map.” 

About UNDP 

As the United Nations lead agency on international development, UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities, and to build resilience to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Our work is concentrated in three focus areas; sustainable development, democratic governance and peace building, and climate and disaster resilience. Learn more at or follow us at @UNDPMongolia 

About SDG Impact 

SDG Impact is a UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub flagship initiative, working to accelerate private sector contributions towards sustainability and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Its aim is to make it easier for organizations to place sustainability, the SDGs and managing for impact at the core of business and investment purpose, how value is created, and how capital is allocated through its SDG Impact Standards and the SDG Investor Maps. 

For more information, please contact: Erdenesukh Otgonbayar | Communications Analyst | UNDP |