Civil Society and Youth Support

Project background

Since the start of the full-fledged war, despite tremendous challenges and upheaval, there has been a spike of activity in Ukrainian civil society. The country’s civil society in general has reoriented its activities and strategies in response to the challenges of the war, adapting and innovating practices to meet humanitarian needs and ensure the monitoring of human rights violations and abuses.

Civil society organizations in Ukraine were the first responders to the crises caused by the war, providing vital assistance to affected communities and advocating for their needs. Through their advocacy efforts, they have raised awareness about the impacts of the war on communities, mobilized resources to support those affected, and worked to ensure that the voices of those most impacted are heard in decision-making processes. Civil society organizations in Ukraine have demonstrated their ability to be agile, innovative, and responsive to emerging challenges.

As Ukraine moves towards long-term recovery, it is critical to ensure that civil society organizations are engaged in the planning process, so as to build forward better. In this context, it is essential to promote the participation of these organizations in the development of recovery plans, ensuring that they are impactful players in strengthening the country's resilience and recovery, democracy, and human rights agenda.

Project summary

The “Civil Society and Youth Support” Project (CSYP) contributes to the following long-term result: “Ukraine's civil society and youth are impactful players in strengthening the country's resilience and recovery, democracy and human rights agenda, including issues of respect to diversity and women's rights and social cohesion.” The project has a three-dimensional approach. 

First, it intends to strengthen civil society organizations, focusing first and foremost at the subnational level, to enable active civil society participation in strengthening Ukraine’s resilience, sustainable recovery and development processes, and to link established CSOs with youth groups –especially new initiatives that emerged after February 2022 – to ensure the cross-fertilization of skills. 

Second, the project works at the central level to create a more enabling policy environment for CSOs and support the national "youth machinery." At the national level, UNDP is also working with the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MYS) to re-design and transform the Youth Worker Programme by developing additional capacity development exercises, courses, and learning events for the youth workers, and to help the Ukrainian Youth Foundation kick-start its operations. CSYP supports CSOs in monitoring the implementation of national-level youth policies to determine how much progress has been made, and which areas need additional effort. 

Third and finally, the CSYP is designed to support young Ukrainians’ active participation in the country’s recovery by honing their skills in good citizenship and leadership. The project supports youth-driven projects and exposes young women and men to how local governments operate to implement locally relevant social cohesion initiatives.

Expected project results:

- Stronger, more resilient, and sustainable CSOs, especially at the local level, promoting human rights, accountability and good governance during the resilience-building and recovery processes.

- CSO-relevant policies and sustaining the government youth machinery to create an enabling environment for civil society and youth engagement in the country’s recovery.

- Young women and men are better able to propel democratic development and social cohesion, including through enhanced interaction with local government.

The project provides:

Output 1: A comprehensive approach to developing the capacity and building the resilience of CSOs is designed and implemented.

Output 2: CSO- and youth support policies and institutional mechanisms are developed and strengthened.

Output 3: Youth capacity development and local initiative support mechanisms are developed and tested.


Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine

All-Ukrainian Youth Centre

Ukrainian Youth Foundation

Civil society organizations

Dialogues of Victory

Recognizing youth as key agents of change in resilience building and the sustainable recovery of Ukraine, UNDP designed and launched a dialogue process and capacity building programme in 2022 for youth councils  – ‘Dialogues of Victory’. The programme was launched to create space for young people to engage in meaningful dialogues about their needs and visions for the recovery process and improve their influence in decision-making at the local level. In 2022 and 2023, 60 dialogues were organised in partnership with local youth councils, involving more than 1052 young people from 60 communities across 21 of the 24 oblasts of Ukraine. The results from the dialogues were with local authorities and follow-up civic initiatives were supported to address the concerns raised by the participants. Read more