UNDP continues to partner with provincial governments to build sustainable financing strategies to eliminate gender-based violence

Last week, UNDP and the Department for Community Development and Religion (DfCDR) hosted five days of intensive consultations and training to guide 13 provincial governments from New Guinea Islands’ and Southern Regions in better structuring their recurrent budgets to fund actions to address gender-based violence.

July 24, 2023

Government officials from 13 provinces attended the consultations to refine their approaches to eliminate gender-based violence

Seru Kepa | UNDP Papua New Guinea

Provincial GBV focal points and budget officers, as well as staff from the National GBV Secretariat, participated in the consultations held at the Gateway Hotel in Port Moresby, where experts from UNDP and DfCDR advised them on maximizing the impact of their work to eliminate all forms of family, sexual and gender-based violence. 

Aidah Ikilik, Programme Coordinator from the Gender-based Violence Secretariat of the Division of Community Development in East New Britain Province, said: “Throughout the week, we have received a lot of support in identifying how to finance our strategies. We also learned a lot about carrying out gender sensitization campaigns among young people. We will use this knowledge once we return home,” she stated.

Aidah Ikilik, Programme Coordinator from East New Britain Province, was excited to attend the consultations with three of her colleagues.

Juho Valta | UNDP Papua New Guinea

UNDP Deputy Resident Representative , Mr. Edward Vrkic, attended the last day of the consultations alongside the Secretary of DfCDR, Mr. Jerry Ubase. In his remarks, Mr. Vrkic highlighted the importance of government officials taking the lead in addressing gender-based violence in the country, saying, “Government officials must demonstrate leadership. Having an effective strategy in place is the crucial first step in achieving success but it is not the last. GBV is damaging families and communities across the country. We now need to translate this work into real outcomes for women and girls.”

The Secretary of DfCDR, Jerry Ubase, echoed these sentiments, stating, “The documents you have been developing this week are vital for the welfare of our women and girls. As government officials, we must honour the oath we have given to our people and protect them. Together, we can solve this issue that plagues our country.”

UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Edward Vrkic, commended the participants for their commitment to protecting Papua New Guinean women and girls.

Juho Valta | UNDP Papua New Guinea

By the end of the consultations, all 13 provincial governments present had successfully drafted their respective strategies and associated financing plans. Through the European Union-funded Spotlight Initiative, UNDP will continue to work in close cooperation with the relevant provincial bodies in the coming months to ensure that the strategies are completed, approved and operational by the end of the year.

For more information, please contact:

Juho Valta
Communications Analyst, UNDP Papua New Guinea

The Secretary of DfCDR, Mr. Jerry Ubase, attended the final session of the consultations.

Juho Valta | UNDP Papua New Guinea