Call for Project Concept Notes for funding through GEF Small Grants Programme

August 10, 2023

1. Introduction

The Small Grants Programme of the Global Environment Facility (GEF/SGP) is a corporate development programme implemented through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Globally, the GEF/SGP was established in 1992 at the Earth Summit to compliment larger GEF projects by providing a window for direct participation of local, and community-based organizations through the implementation of projects that align to local and national priorities with overall benefits to the global environment. The GEF/SGP provides financial and technical support to projects that conserve and restore the environment while enhancing people's well-being and livelihoods. In Tanzania, under the overall coordination of the Vice President’s Office/GEF Focal Point, GEF/SGP became operational since 1996.


2. Thematic Focus

The available funding under this Call for Project Concept Notes is strictly under the Biodiversity Portfolio focus. Under this focus area, the Call is looking for Project Concept Notes for implementation of appropriate community-based measures that enhance biodiversity conservation and sustainable use, including: 

(i) Improved sustainability of protected areas

(ii) Mainstream biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in production landscapes/seascapes and sectors and landscapes under Indigenous and community conserved areas (ICCAs)

(iii) Respect for and preservation of traditional knowledge in conservation

(iv) Sustainable management of ecosystem services 

(v) Maintenance and improvement of the conservation status of species 

(vi) Equitable access and benefit sharing derived from the use of biological resources

(vii) Sustainable production and use of agro-ecology and agro-biodiversity products

(viii) Engagement and empowerment of women, Indigenous Peoples, youth, and local communities in biodiversity conservation.


3. Key consideration

Project Concept Notes are invited from Civil Society Organizations (includes local communities/indigenous people groups, community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), faith-based organization (FBOs), and other related non-governmental groups) registered in Tanzania. Project Concept Notes should mainly be tailored in line with Biodiversity Thematic focus, and where possible integrating other elements of GEF Focal areas such as land degradation and climate change mitigation. The proposed concepts should demonstrate the following attributes:

  • Consistency with biodiversity conservation-related country priorities as articulated in Sector, and National Development Frameworks, and the overall National Environmental Master Plan for Strategic Interventions (2022-2032) 
  • Address gender issues at project formulation, implementation, and benefit sharing stages
  • Innovation, promotion of social inclusion and show plans for scaling up 
  • Clearly indicating that supported grantee will be able to mobilize co-finance of at least 10% of total project costs in-cash and/or in-kind. 
  • Clearly indicating a logical connection between the problem/opportunity, solutions/activities and expected results. 
  • Budget sealing and time frame: The Concept Note budgets should be presented in Tanzania shillings (TZS) to an amount not exceeding the equivalent of USD 50,000. Project period should not be less than 12 month or more than 24 months. 
  • All organizations that have recently received a notification of partial approval of their proposals submitted earlier during 2020 are not advised to apply. However, organizations that have recently (during 2022-2023) completed projects funded through SGP can apply for this call. Each applicant can only submit one project concept note.


4. Submission of Concept Note

  • All Project Concept Notes should primarily be prepared in English Language (language exceptions can be requested) using the Format that can be downloaded as Microsoft Word Document at the Link: 
  • All Project Concept Notes should be submitted in soft copy through the email: with a copy to by the deadline on Saturday 26 th August 2023 
  • Shortlisted Project Concept Notes will be contacted and guided for further preparation of full proposals. 
  • For more information/enquires please write to Email: or call 0785401265 − On exceptional cases where a soft copy submission is not possible, a hard copy can be submitted through the address: 

    Resident Representative, 

    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 

    PSSSF Commercial Complex, Sam Nujoma Road, Kinondoni, 

    P. O. Box 9182, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

    Attention: National Coordinator, GEF Small Grants Programme