Art and youth activism unite for climate change action

Empowering the next generation of artists to create a sustainable future

September 20, 2023


Montenegro – a jewel of natural beauty and breathtaking landscapes – stands as a testament to the importance of climate change mitigation and adaptation. As the threat of climate change looms large, Montenegro has felt its impact first-hand. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, floods and soil erosions have compelled the state to take decisive steps towards sustainability. At this critical stage, the UNDP Country Office in Montenegro has emerged as a guiding force, facilitating partnerships, and empowering local communities.

In the battle against climate change, the world has witnessed a powerful force for change emerge – the youth and their unwavering activism. Their role in addressing the urgent challenges posed by the climate crisis cannot be overstated. Across the globe, young people have recognized that their future is at stake, so we see them amplifying their voices and demanding immediate action to mitigate climate change. From the powerful movement of Fridays for Future to landmark lawsuits challenging pro-fossil fuel policies like the one in Montana, their impact is undeniable. The Youth/Children Archives and Climate Change Litigation Databases serve as evidence of their dedication and role in shaping a sustainable future.


Young people in Montenegro are also embracing the call to action on climate change with genuine concern. A UNDP survey indicates that about 75% of young people aged 18-29 years believe that climate change is a massive problem at the global level, while more than half of them believe that it is a big problem in Montenegro as well. One-third of the youth feel pain and shame because they consider themselves personally responsible, and therefore state that they respect and protect the environment.

A significant majority of youth in Montenegro – three out of four respondents – are ready to change their life habits and reduce their impact on climate change. Over 50% make the conscious effort to walk every day, minimize waste, and practice responsible use of electricity and water. Additionally, an equal number of respondents prioritize the purchase of environmentally friendly products whenever possible. This high level of commitment and action from the youth population demonstrates their dedication to creating a sustainable future and combating climate change.


Combating climate change requires a multifaceted approach that includes policy solutions and research. Policy papers, policy solutions and research play a crucial role in understanding the complexities of climate change, identifying its causes and consequences, and formulating effective strategies to adapt to and mitigate its impact. These approaches provide evidence-based insights into the scientific, economic, and social aspects of climate change, which are essential for shaping policies, regulations, and international agreements.

However, it is equally important to engage the youth in the fight against climate change. Young people have a vested interest in the long-term implications of climate change as they will inherit the planet and its challenges. Their energy, passion, and fresh perspectives can bring new ideas and innovative solutions to the table. By involving the youth, policymakers can ensure that their policies are inclusive, equitable, and address the needs and aspirations of future generations.


In an inspiring collaboration with the UNDP, a group of ten talented students of the Faculty of Fine Arts have actively engaged themselves in climate action. Recognizing the power of visual storytelling, they harnessed their creativity to raise awareness about climate change through graphic visuals. Visualizing data and risks related to climate change is a powerful tool for communication and raising awareness. Guided by their professor and driven by their passion for both art and the environment, these students utilized their artistic skills to communicate complex climate-related messages in visually appealing and accessible ways. By partnering with UNDP, they gained valuable insights and guidance from experts in the field, ensuring the accuracy and impact of their creations.


Not only did the Faculty of Arts engage themselves in climate action through graphic visuals. They have also recognized the long-term importance of addressing climate change within their curriculum and made the remarkable decision to include climate change as a new assignment for the upcoming semester, ensuring that the topic remains at the forefront of their artistic exploration!