4th Governors' Forum: Closing Remarks by Ahunna Eziakonwa

July 7, 2023
RS-SRR Secretariat

Honourable Minister, 
Distinguished Guests, 
Ladies and Gentlemen.

As we conclude the 4th Lake Chad Basin Governors' Forum, let me, at the outset, thank our partners who make it possible for the UNDP to take these innovative and risky endeavours and strategic and long-term lens in accompanying countries of the region in their development.

I would like to express my deep appreciation for the invaluable support and collaboration we have witnessed throughout this gathering. I really want to acknowledge the governors; your strong commitment and passion are what keeps us going.

During our deliberations, we have underscored and validated the critical importance of stabilization in the Lake Chad Basin. We have seen tangible evidence that stabilization works and has the power to begin the transformation process for lives and communities and to lay the foundations for long-term development. Nothing is more fulfilling than seeing people who have lost everything regain ownership and control of their lives. We saw this in eloquent fashion from the testimonies of both the communities and government representatives in the Lake Chad Basin. We must continue to invest in hope, dignity, decency and the promise of shared prosperity for the people of the Lake Chad Basin region.

Through the implementation of the Regional Strategy for Stabilization, Recovery, and Resilience, we heard the significant progress made in countering terrorist groups and in countering violent extremism. We were challenged to learn how to celebrate success even as we made the case to tackle the remaining challenges. We have taken note that the situation in the region remains dire, with multiple crises in multiple dimensions, from violence to climate shocks, natural disasters, youth unemployment, and economic challenges which impact various aspects of life. Stabilizing the region and sustaining the gains in stabilised areas must be our key call to action.

I want to take this opportunity to thank our host, the transitional government of Chad and its people. And in showing such remarkable competence in managing the conference. I reiterate my all for solidarity and support to the people of Chad as the country grapples with unprecedented humanitarian and development emergencies, including the impact of the Sudan. 

The forum would not have been possible without the leadership of Commissioner Nuhu, who remains a champion of the Governors and this Forum. We count on LCBC to bring the lessons we documented here in the next iteration of the Regional Stabilization Strategy.


Nothing is more fulfilling than seeing people who have lost everything regain ownership and control of their lives. We saw this in eloquent fashion from the testimonies of both the communities and government representatives in the Lake Chad Basin. We must continue to invest in hope, dignity, decency and the promise of shared prosperity for the people of the Lake Chad Basin region.
Ahunna Eziakonwa, UN Assistant Secretary-General, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa

I would like to highlight that this Forum would not have been possible without the leadership of the Lake Chad Basin Commission, in particular, the Executive Secretary Ambassador Nuhu, who is the driving force behind the Forum. I count on LCBC to bring the experiences and the lessons from the forum to the fore in the next strategy for stabilization, recovery and resilience.

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all the participants who made it here today. I applaud again our Governors for your tireless efforts in addressing cross-border challenges and proposing concrete solutions for security and trade corridors. Your collective action and leadership are crucial for meaningful change in the region. You have UNDP’s unflinching commitment and support in advocating for your leadership as modern leaders who understand compassion.

My special appreciation goes to the Governor of the Far North in Cameroon for being the Chair of this forum and engaging with new ideas throughout the forum, including challenging us with research on who finances Boko Haram, for example. We take up that challenge to work jointly with you and other governors to look at the deep root causes of these phenomena. Governor, you deserve an award.

To our esteemed partners: the African Development Bank, the Government of Nigeria, the European Union, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom and others. You have shown exceptional commitment to the Lake Chad Basin's stabilisation efforts. Your generous contributions and steadfast support have been instrumental in the success we heard about during this forum. Let us work together to unlock all financing and other hurdles to bring these solutions to scale and sustain the gains we have made so far. I would like to reiterate my earlier calls to expand the donor base and for our donors to dig deeper. Only by investing collectively in what works will we be able to achieve success.

Looking ahead, I am filled with optimism for the future of the Regional Stabilization Facility. This vital initiative will play a crucial role in driving positive change and advancing the stabilisation agenda. By providing the necessary resources and support, the facility will enable us to implement effective programs that address the root causes of instability and foster resilience. The lessons we are learning from this region have helped us extend stabilisation to other regions, for example, north Mozambique. The Facility will continue to serve as a platform for collaboration, coordination, and knowledge sharing among all stakeholders.

Honourable Ambassadors, Ministers, distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:
As we conclude the 4th Lake Chad Basin Governors' Forum, let us carry forward the lessons learned and the spirit of collaboration that has permeated this gathering.

As a proud woman from this region, I am touched every day by the resilience demonstrated by our brothers and sisters who, despite the trauma, choose to claim their lives and dignity. Let us stay the course. Let us remain resolute in our commitment to stabilization and sustainable development.
Thank you all for your unwavering support, dedication, and contributions.

I sincerely thank you.