Within the framework of the project “Conservation and Sustainable Management of Land Resources and High Nature Value Ecosystems in the Aral Sea Basin for Multiple Benefits”, jointly implemented by UNDP and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, a hands-on training in horticulture was held on 14 September 2023 in Ruhubelent etrap of Dashoguz velayat.
The event brought together local farmers from the Ruhubelent and S. Turkmenbashi etraps, representatives of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, the Scientific-Production Center of the Turkmen Agricultural Institute in Dashoguz, agricultural experts and local NGOs.
The training was aimed at creating a platform for exchanging experiences and improving the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of local farmers in horticulture to improve the livelihoods of the local community. Specialists of the Scientific-Production Center of the Turkmen Agricultural Institute introduced the participants to sustainable practices and innovative approaches to growing fruit trees and grapes. The participants learned about the seedlings and seed crops production as well as how best to care for grafted plants. In addition, the participants were introduced to modern methods of water conservation in horticulture and agriculture.

The theoretical part of the training was accompanied by hands-on practical lessons. This time, participants were able to see the process of grafting - a vegetative method of plant propagation, which may add a revenue source for local farmers and build their resilience to climate change. «It was quite interesting to participate in the practical part of the training in horticulture» - noted Byashimova Myahrijemal, a training participant. «I learned how to graft vegetables myself, which will help me to become more resilient to environmental stresses, allow more vigorous growth, and higher yields.”
The joint project of UNDP and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan “Conservation and Sustainable Management of Land Resources and High Nature Value Ecosystems in the Aral Sea Basin for Multiple Benefits” was launched in 2022 and is aimed at long-term solutions for sustainable development and conservation of valuable ecosystems of the Turkmen Aral Sea region.