Inviting stakeholders to reflect and provide insights on the work of UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stakeholder survey


UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina has supported the country towards sustainable, peaceful, and inclusive development since 1996. Through the Country Programme Document for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2025 (embedded link), UNDP has committed to work with authorities, businesses, civil society, communities, and academia and support sustainable and inclusive growth, people-centered governance, and social cohesion in the country, contributing to improved quality of life and opportunities for all.

In 2023, UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina has reached halfway through its 2021-2025 strategy. This is a good opportunity to invite all stakeholders to provide feedback on their experiences with UNDP and reflect on the effects, scale, speed, and relevance of UNDP-supported development work. 

UNDP is launching this survey to collect stakeholders' views, voices, and feedback. Moving forward, UNDP will consider the survey findings as a key resource to inform and, if needed, strategically adjust its future work in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Mid-Term Review process is not only a checkpoint but also an opportunity to celebrate the progress and impact we have achieved together. Stakeholders' perspectives are invaluable to this process, offering a rich perspective on the changes we are spearheading together.

Below are some highlight results of UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina:


RESULTS 2022 in English and BCS

RESULTS 2023 - To be announced soon