The significance of peace and resilient communities is paramount to sustainable development and achievement of the SDGs. Given Kyrgyzstan’s diverse ethnic composition and historical transitions, peace provides stability, enabling the country to focus on development. Resilient communities not only bridge divides but also act as strongholds during crises, fostering collective responses to complex development challenges. Moreover, Kyrgyzstan's peaceful environment contributes to regional stability, making these factors integral for the country's progress, prosperity, and harmonious coexistence.
Violent extremism undermines peace and security, human rights and sustainable development. No country or region is immune from its impacts. Recognizing the threat of violent extremism to peace, security, human rights, and sustainable development, Kyrgyzstan has adopted the new State Programme on Countering Terrorism and Extremism as well as new laws on Countering Terrorism and Countering Extremist Activity that reflect a commitment to addressing these challenges based on innovative practices, opportunities and partnerships integrating a conflict-sensitive and human rights-based approach.
While UNDP does not directly engage in counterterrorism activities, its expertise in development and support for peace, justice, and strong institutions is vital in promoting people-centric and conflict-sensitive human development. These efforts play a vital role in addressing root causes and mitigating the "conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism" as identified in the United Nations Global and Central Asian Counter Terrorism Strategies.
UNDP, as a key development organization of the UN, plays an integrator role, advocating for a holistic approach that brings together peace, development, human rights and security stakeholders, along with civil society and communities. This approach aims to form a strategic foundation for inclusive policies and mechanisms to prevent and counter violent extremism while building resilience within local communities.
UNDP Country Programme Document for the Kyrgyz Republic (2023-2027) puts social cohesion, peace and stability at the centre of UNDP development efforts to assist the Kyrgyz Republic in its aspiration to emerge as a socio-economically resilient and socially cohesive society. UNDPs approach to addressing root causes of violent extremism is nested in a development and peacebuilding paradigm.
Cornerstone to UNDP approach is creating favourable social and economic opportunities for youth, enabling them to realize their full potential, plays a crucial role in enhancing community resilience to violent extremism. By creating inclusive environments that promote equal access to resources and meaningful participation, UNDP aims to build resilient communities that reject violence and embrace peaceful coexistence. Strengthening analytical, anticipatory and response capacities for risk-informed development, enabling civic space and enhancing mutual trust and collaboration, increasing values of multi-cultural cooperation and tolerance, strengthening of social contract and service delivery as key highlights of UNDPs work in the Kyrgyz republic.
UNDP supported the Kyrgyz government in developing critical laws on Countering Terrorism and Countering Extremist Activity. These laws, developed through an inclusive consultative process, strengthen coordination in response and prevention efforts while aligning with international human rights standards.
The institutional building of the Institute of Probation has been a focus of UNDP's efforts, providing legal, social, and psychosocial support to individuals charged with counterterrorism and related crimes. Training programs for probation officers have equipped them with the necessary skills for effective resocialization and reintegration, contributing to the prevention of recurrences and reducing the appeal of violent extremism.
In collaboration with the EU, UNDP has established socially diverse and inclusive C/PVE Advisory Groups in 9 targeted areas, successfully implementing local PVE Action Plans. The action plans focused on youth policy, advocating for their participation in decision-making processes and the development of local youth strategies. Additionally, these plans emphasized equipping individuals with essential skills to effectively address the challenges of violent extremism, which will emphasize also a gender-sensitive approach and empower young girls within their communities.
UNDP, in partnership with the Government of Japan, has supported the establishment of 10 Youth Centres across the country, serving as platforms for interaction and collaboration between young people, local authorities, civic organizations, economic entities, and religious institutions creating favourable conditions for youth engagement in the social and economic life of their communities. This initiative has resulted in the mobilization of significant funding, contributing to the implementation of Youth Action Plans and addressing socio-economic concerns of youth.
UNDP's collaboration with the private sector has successfully enhanced youth resilience through entrepreneurship and networking. Business development skills and small grants support programs have empowered youth to create their own businesses, mitigating socio-economic exclusion and reducing the appeal of violent ideologies. This initiative has resulted in the creation of over 225 jobs for young individuals from vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities. The outcomes of this program are promising and should be expanded to prevent violent extremism and address the broader socio-economic concerns of youth.
Beyond immediate gains, UNDP's contributions extend to strengthening national and local capacities for conflict prevention and response. By strengthening open dialogue and facilitating collective decision-making, UNDP actively contributes to addressing grievances and polarization, preventing the conditions conducive to violent extremism.
Considering the high importance of peace and resilient communities in Kyrgyzstan, we call upon all stakeholders to unite in championing economic empowerment, green initiatives, climate resilience, inclusive governance and prevention. By prioritizing inclusion and sustainability, we can build a more equitable, resilient and peaceful future for people of Kyrgyzstan, ensuring that no one is left behind on the path to lasting peace and sustainable development.