Striving for Gender Equality for Everyone, Everywhere

UNDP Georgia Achieves a Silver Seal in UNDP’s Gender Equality Seal Programme

April 12, 2024
Gender Equality Seal Logo

UNDP Georgia has achieved a Silver Seal in UNDP’s Gender Equality Seal Programme for UNDP offices. This award proves our unwavering commitment to building a more gender-equal world, reflecting the efforts we put into our management systems, capacities, enabling environment, programmes, projects, knowledge management, communication, partnerships, and internal practices, to advance gender equality for everyone, everywhere.

Our Silver Gender Equality Seal is the result of a rigorous evaluation conducted in collaboration with the UNDP Bureau of Programme and Policy Support and the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and Central Asia. 

In 2023, with an impressive score of over 76 percent, well above 44.74 percent achieved in 2021, UNDP Georgia has met 23 out of 30 benchmarks.

We take immense pride in this achievement, we continue our work to achieve meaningful gender equality in Georgia and across the globe.

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