Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop Elevates Capacity and Strengthens WASH Program Implementation in Solomon Islands

May 23, 2024

Group photo of participants and organizers with UNDP M&E Officer and UNICEF WASH Specialist who led the training.

Photo: UNDP/Daniel Gonzalez

Honiara, Solomon Islands: A week-long training on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) successfully concluded in Honiara, strengthening the capacity of provincial government officers in Fiji. The training, held from May 13-17, was a collaboration between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Ministry of Provincial Governance and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS), and UNICEF.

The intensive training sessions focused on designing, budgeting, planning, and implementing high-quality WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) programs. Participants from six provincial governments – Guadalcanal, Central, Western, Temotu, Choiseul, and Isabel – gained valuable skills to better monitor and evaluate project results.

Daddley Lyn Meloma, M&E Officer for PGSD project at UNDP Solomon Islands, highlighted the importance of the workshop, stating, "Effective monitoring and evaluation are critical for the success of any project. This workshop is providing provincial technical officers with the necessary tools and skills to ensure that programs are not only implemented efficiently but also deliver sustainable and impactful results for our communities around the country."

The workshop addressed the challenges faced in M&E implementation due to limited resources, technical capacity gaps, and methodological complexities. Participants engaged in sessions that covered the fundamentals of M&E, updated methods and tools, data collection techniques, and the utilization of M&E findings to enhance project performance and accountability.

Abigail Tevera, WASH Specialist from UNICEF Solomon Islands, emphasized the importance of developing and implementing high-quality WASH programs: 

“Focusing on needs assessment and proper targeting ensures that the most disadvantaged and vulnerable populations receive the support they truly need. By building the capacity of technical officers, we empower them to design, plan, budget, and implement WASH programs more efficiently, making a real difference in the lives of children, their families, and their communities.”

The workshop also included hands-on training, allowing participants to apply various tools such as the Problem Tree to identify issues in the WASH sector (WASH in communities, WASH in schools and health care facilities). They also learned about the Theory of Change Framework to establish how proposed WASH strategies are expected to lead to specific development changes, based on causal analysis and available evidence. This practical approach ensured that attendees could directly translate their learning into actionable strategies for their respective provinces.

Key areas covered included needs assessment, program design, budgeting, planning, monitoring and evaluation, quality assurance, and leveraging alternative financing mechanisms for social services.

Participants taking note during the training.

Photo: UNDP/Daniel Gonzalez

Adrian Toni, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist from MPGIS, reflected on the workshop's impact: 

"This training has been an invaluable experience for all of us. The knowledge and skills gained here will significantly improve our ability to deliver better data regarding the projects we are implementing and eventually will revert in improved services. We are now better equipped to ensure that this program and other future ones are not only effectively monitored and evaluated but becoming also more sustainable, gender balanced and resilient to the challenges posed by climate change."

The workshop underscored the critical role of the Provincial Governments and Service Delivery project in building the capacity of the MPGIS and the provincial governments officer paving the way for more effective and accountable service delivery, and ultimately contributing to the well-being and local development of communities across the Solomon Islands.

For further information, please contact:

Daniel C. Gonzalez, Communications Analyst, UNDP Solomon Islands Office, | +677 7740740/ +34 656560270