Climate Promise - From Pledge to Impact


What we do

As part of the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit in 2019, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) pledged to support at least 100 countries to enhance their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) ahead of COP26. This pledge turned into UNDP’s Climate Promise, supporting 120 countries and contributing to an increase of climate mitigation and adaptation ambition. This success has led to an overwhelming demand from countries to receive UNDP’s continued support in the implementation phase, turning the countries pledges into action. At COP26, the UNDP launched the next chapter of the Climate Promise “From Pledge to Impact” with an overall objective to support at least 100 countries turning their pledges into action toward net-zero, climate resilient and sustainable development pathways. Building on the results, experience, and momentum of the first phase, and as a major contribution to the NDC Partnership, the initiative aims to scale-up support in three core areas: Scale and Speed, Amplifying Ambition, and lasting Inclusivity.


The Climate Promise 2 project is set to contribute to filling the gap in transforming the updated NDC targets into tangible actions that lead to long term low emission and climate-resilient development, will create a solid base for the implementation of set objectives under NDC2021 and will help to formulate the next enhanced NDC. The activities delivered under the project have been supplemented with the request submitted by the national authorities to the NDC Partnership, in particular to review the existing government policies for alignment with NDC target, compiling proposed changes to legislation and other regulations to align them with the NDC; building institutional capacity in responsible agencies and support active involvement of Armenian civil society, private sector and media to promote active and inclusive participation in implementation of the climate agenda, promoting innovation and enhanced climate action by small business and start-ups.

Expected results

  • Strengthening inclusive and gender-responsive governance and financing mechanisms to enable delivery and tracking of NDC targets across sectors at a scale and speed.

  • Establishing long-term net-zero and climate resilient development pathways aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

  • Systematically engaging and empowering key actors within society are to contribute to accelerate NDC implementation and long-term net-zero and climate resilient development pathways.