Opening Remarks by Ms. Beate Trankmann at the Re:Think 2024 MSME Day Event

June 27, 2024

UNDP Resident Representative in China, Beate Trankmann, delivered opening remarks at the MSME Day joint event held in Beijing and Chengdu.

尊敬的 张翼 副主任 (Zhang Yi, Deputy Director General of CICETE)

尊敬的赵文峤 主任(ZHAO Wenqiao, Director of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone)

尊敬的袁兰兰 副主任(YUAN Lanlan, Deputy Director of the CDHT)

尊敬的梁嵩 总经理( LIANG Song, General Manager of Credit Services, Duxiaoman )


早上好!首先,我谨代表联合国开发计划署,向今天 在成都和北京两地的各位来宾 表示热烈的欢迎!

今天,我们跨越两座城市,共同庆祝联合国中小微企 业日. Today also marks the culmination of the 2024 Re:Think UNDP MSME Week in Chengdu.

Around the world, MSMEs account for 90% of businesses, make up 70% of employment, and 50% of global GDP. They are critical engines for economic growth and innovation, and provide livelihoods to billions of people including women, youth, and many marginalized and vulnerable groups.

Due to the significant footprint of MSMEs, ensuring that they are green and sustainable is absolutely essential to our ability to tackle climate change and advance sustainable development globally.

However, with less than six years remaining to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  - and in an increasingly competitive and fiscally constrained world economy - MSMEs everywhere are vulnerable.

The after-effects of COVID-19, global conflicts, climate-related natural disasters, and economic shocks have led to increasing challenges including disrupted supply chains and limited financial support.

Indeed, over 41 percent of MSMEs in least developed countries are struggling to access sufficient funding.

At best, this constrains their growth,[1] and consequently hinders both their ability to provide new job opportunities, and act as a source of innovation in green technologies. At worst, it threatens their very survival, along with the livelihoods of all their employees.

At UNDP, supporting MSMEs is a critical building block in our mission to advance the SDGs. In China, we have worked together with partners for decades to strengthen MSMEs’ resilience, and empower them to help drive green, sustainable development.

For example, in 2022, together with CICETE and DuXiaoman, we launched an initiative working with financial institutions and local governments to develop a digital service platform linking rural MSMEs with financial services. 
The project has channeled 240 million RMB to 1,200 rural MSMEs, and provided training on topics such as e-commerce, financial literacy, and business, focusing on small-holder farmers, women, and young people.

"By enabling MSMEs to flourish, we can help keep the vision of the SDGs alive and support an economy that includes everyone, while addressing the existential threat of climate change, to ensure a future that can sustain us all."

Here in Chengdu, in collaboration with the China International Center for Technical and Economic Exchanges (CICETE) and Chengdu High-Tech Zone, we have supported MSMEs since 2019 through our SPARK Innovation Lab.  
Over the past 5 years, SPARK has helped to link global resources and knowledge with local governments, research institutions, and local businesses. Through capacity building activities and trainings, we have supported more than 2,300 enterprises.

In particular, our INSPIRO Young Entrepreneurs Network for Sustainable Development (INSPIRO Network), initiated by SPARK in 2022, has already brought together over 130 young business leaders from more than 20 countries who are passionate about sustainable development.

Our event today, in Beijing and Chengdu, builds on these efforts. So, following on the activities of Re:Think MSME week, let us continue to shine a light on the pivotal role of MSMEs in achieving the SDGs, highlight the challenges they face, and explore solutions for supporting MSMEs’ green development and innovation in the future.

With that, I want to thank everyone for being here today.

Special thanks go to CICETE, the Chengdu Hi-tech district government, and Duxiaoman, for helping to co-organize today’s event in both Chengdu and Beijing, and for the fruitful partnership over the years.

By enabling MSMEs to flourish, we can help keep the vision of the SDGs alive and support an economy that includes everyone, while addressing the existential threat of climate change, to ensure a future that can sustain us all.

To say it with the theme of this year’s MSME day: “Small Business, Big Change!  小企业,大作为“

Happy MSME Day! 中小微 企业日 快乐!
