From Street Tea Shops to Innovation Corner: Sparking Creativity and Innovation

June 25, 2024
UNDP in Viet Nam

Tea shops are a ubiquitous part of Viet Nam. These informal roadside tea stalls offer a refreshing break with a variety of iced teas, often infused with jasmine or lotus flowers. More than just a place to grab a quick drink, they serve as social hubs where locals gather to chat, relax, and catch up on the latest news. Typically furnished with small plastic stools and tables, these tea shops embody the laid-back lifestyle of Vietnamese street culture.

Drawing inspiration from this vibrant street life, UNDP's Accelerator Lab team, with support from the Common Back Office team, has designed an Innovation Corner in the Green One UN House. This refurbished space aims to foster creativity and collaboration, much like the dynamic atmosphere of Viet Nam’s street tea culture. One feature of the space is the modular furniture which can be taken apart and used as individual chairs or assembled into tables. This helps encourage spontaneous interactions akin to those at tea stalls where many innovative ideas have historically taken shape in Viet Nam. The space is also equipped with the latest tech gadgets and social innovation tools to help UN colleagues design and be creative in their projects work. 

“The whole idea for us is to take this small space and turn it into an innovation-friendly space where teams and agencies step outside the traditional meeting room and be inspired to think outside the box. I hope it becomes a space for teams to come together, be inspired, collaborate, and allow ideas to flow differently.” UNDP Resident Representative in Viet Nam Ramla Khalidi


Formerly the information center, this room is designed to be highly interactive, serving as a living space where work and relaxation seamlessly blend. During the renovation, the original structure was preserved, and an old pillar that dominated the middle of the room was transformed into the "Connection Tree". This feature allows colleagues from different agencies to capture and share moments with an instant camera, and add contact details for follow-up, thus fostering connections among those who share common interests and hobbies.


The curated library represents the wisdom of the past, offering resources on innovation, project design, and implementation. Colleagues can add their own books and resources to the reference catalogue, promoting green consumption and the culture of reading and sharing in the office.

UNDP in Viet Nam


Colleagues can explore new technologies with virtual reality glasses, which offer experiences from visiting different continents, like the Grand Canyon and the Eiffel Tower, to drawing in virtual spaces. They can meet colleagues worldwide, play virtual sports like ping pong, or use the latest Generative AI model for real-time conversations.

The whiteboard area, where brainstorming happens, symbolizes the future. This is where all beautiful ideas come to life, supported by reference tools and innovation templates for inspiration. Additionally, the bulletin box allows colleagues to pick up and share daily wishes, getting a positive boost for the day.

UNDP in Viet Nam

Nguyen Tuan Luong, UNDP Accelerator Lab: “Last year, when our office had a chance to reorganize, we noticed a gap in our facilities: a dedicated space for design and creative work. We envisioned a room to fill this need and made a proposal that was supported by the office. We then embarked on a journey, filled with trials and errors, embracing the spirit of co-creation by involving as many people in the office and across the UN as possible… Seeing everyone today, sharing laughs, goofing around in Virtual Reality, and exploring the room's new features, made it all worthwhile for me.”

UNDP in Viet Nam

Hoang Diem Huyen, UNESCO: “When I entered the Innovation Corner, I was really surprised and excited by the Connection Tree, Demo Chat GPT, bookshelves, furniture, and innovation tools. Everyone was eager to explore everything in this small room. I took a photo with a mini camera and hung it on the Connection Tree; it was very interesting!”

UNDP in Viet Nam

Nguyen Thanh Hai, UNDP (right): "It was truly exciting to see a new kind of co-working space in the building that is both professional and refreshing!”

UNDP in Viet Nam

To Minh Huong, FAO (second from the right): “Attending the soft launch of the Innovation Corner was exhilarating. Transformed from an old Information Centre, this space is now a beacon of modernity and creativity. The calm, colorful, and light-filled ambiance promotes a creative and collaborative spirit. The interactive whiteboards, AI-powered tools, virtual reality experiences, and relaxation zones enhance usability and knowledge sharing. This room is set to become a cornerstone in our working environment, creating a stimulating and inspiring atmosphere that enhances productivity and collaboration. This transformation is not just a renovation; it's a leap into the future of our workplace.”

UNDP in Viet Nam