UNDP and People's Majlis Collaborate to Digitize Petitioning Process for Enhanced Public Engagement

July 13, 2024

Supported by Australia, under its Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the Maldives is supporting the People's Majlis, Parliament of the Maldives, to embark on a transformative initiative to enhance public engagement in policymaking through the introduction of an Electronic Petition System. This system aims to democratize the petitioning process, historically limited to physical letters, by enabling citizens to submit petitions digitally via a user-friendly portal accessible through e-faas or email. By simplifying the process of gathering signatures and tracking petition progress via smartphones, the e-petition system promises to make civic participation more inclusive and accessible, particularly for residents in remote island communities who face logistical challenges in traditional petitioning methods.


The collaborative effort between UNDP and the Majlis includes comprehensive capacity-building exercises and the development of a policy framework to guide the implementation of the e-petition system. This framework, crafted with the input of technical experts outlines structural and legal adjustments necessary for integrating digital petitions into the legislative process. Once endorsed by the Parliament's General and Petition Committee, the e-petition system will empower citizens by providing direct access to lawmaking processes, marking a significant stride towards promoting transparent and participatory governance in the Maldives.