Skills for peace: Empowering youth to build a better Arab States region

By Hoda EL Nahlawy, Communication Associate & Stephanie Boustany, Project, Research and Communications Specialist

July 15, 2024
Photo: UNDP Lebanon

Skills are essential tools that allow individuals to effectively apply knowledge to real-world situations. As we celebrate World Youth Skills Day 2024, themed "Youth Skills for Peace and Development," we underscore the importance of empowering young people in the Arab States, where 30 percent are not in education, employment, or training, according to the International Labour Organization (ILOSTAT). 

The challenges of peace and security have been particularly acute in the region since 2011, with violent conflicts disrupting education and threatening societal stability. In response, the Knowledge Project of the United Nations Development Programme’s Regional Bureau for Arab States (UNDP RBAS) and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF) initiated FutureSkills4All in collaboration with Coursera. This initiative is pivotal, especially considering that 60 percent of workers worldwide will require retraining by 2027 due to increased automation, yet only 50 percent currently have access to such opportunities (Randstad). 

FutureSkills4All initiative highlights 

FutureSkills4All blends employability with soft skills, digital acumen, and functional abilities, ensuring a holistic approach to professional development. Within its varied catalogue, the initiative offers learning pathways including courses like “Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World”, “Global Diplomacy: The United Nations in the World”, “Power and Foreign Policy in International Relations”, “International Leadership and Organizational Behavior”, “Effective Engagement of Civil Society in Development”, and “Securing Digital Democracy”. The courses are tailored to boost skills vital for peace and security in the Arab States region. 

Impact stories from participants 

This World Youth Skills Day, we will take a brief tour to see how young people are benefiting from FutureSkills4All, achieving peace and development in the Arab region. 


Egypt's young population is rapidly growing and now constitutes one third of the entire population. Many Egyptian youth have enrolled in data analysis courses offered the initiative. Omar Ebrahim and Ahmed Mohamed have both benefited significantly from these analytics courses

Omar shared, “I learned the fundamentals of data analysis and gained skills in using tools such as Excel, SQL, and Python to analyse data and draw insights.”

Ahmed added, “This programme has profoundly enhanced my understanding of data analysis tools and techniques, equipping me with the skills necessary to interpret and leverage data effectively. Each module has built my confidence in handling complex datasets and deriving valuable insights that inform strategic decision-making. With the skills I've acquired, I've successfully undertaken projects that transform raw data into actionable intelligence, driving innovation and efficiency.” 

Ola from Egypt noted, “Through FutureSkills4All, I have learned a better way to approach business development, particularly using the Business Model Canvas. The programme has provided me with practical tools and knowledge that I have already started applying in my role as an Account Manager, enhancing my ability to create and analyse business models effectively.” 


Haneen Ammar Ahmed from Iraq mentions, “I learned how to effectively identify and segment customer bases, craft unique value propositions, and streamline operational strategies. These skills have been instrumental in refining my approach to business development, allowing me to create more targeted and impactful solutions for my clients. The practical applications and real-world insights gained have greatly benefitted my professional growth and effectiveness.” 


Young people in Morocco make up 30 percent of the population, and one-tenth of the region's total youth population. 

Mouad Mounir, who completed a Finance and Fintech course, highlighted how the initiative helped him contribute to development, stating, “I've gained essential skills in financial analysis that are crucial for the future of Arab youth. The programme has not only equipped me with the ability to analyse financial statements, evaluate financial performance, and make informed decisions, but it also fosters the development of critical skills needed for a brighter future. Beyond personal development, FutureSkills4All plays a crucial role in equipping Arab youth with the skills needed for a promising future in the global economy.” 

Wissal Fartit, a student at Sultan Moulay Slimane University, emphasized the initiative’s impact on improving her capacities and skills. Enrolled in the Soft Skills pathway, she said, “FutureSkills4All was a lifesaver for me. I was able to structure my research and overcome academic obstacles with my problem-solving and decision-making skills. Besides this, I was able to work and exchange ideas with other researchers. I learned how to use Miro and studied the 5 Whys which pushed me to find the underlying causes of the things I love. My methodological and analytical approaches have been imbued with an innovative dimension using creative thinking techniques.” 

State of Palestine 

Rania Jadallah from State of Palestine said, “This integrated educational programme helped me prepare to engage in the job market and understand the local, regional and global market data. I learned how to manage my time effectively, and the importance of handling projects and better organizing my tasks. Moreover, I developed my problem-solving abilities, which will help me adapt to changes in the job market and daily challenges.” 

Abd El Rahman Murad from State of Palestine added, “Participating in FutureSkills4All will be a transformative experience for me. Choosing diverse and correct projects will enhance technical skills, especially problem-solving.” 

Despite the challenges in Gaza due to the war, Saja Al-Ashram, from the Gaza Strip did not give up and profited from the initiative, stating, “I live and face the reality of war that took away our dreams, but it could not undermine our resolve and determination. During this difficult period, I did not surrender to the circumstances, but rather challenged them, and I succeeded in obtaining many certificates in the field of data analysis from Coursera. I began studying the business analysis track at an advanced level to increase my knowledge. Keep learning and developing, hope and hard work can change your life for the better, even in the darkest circumstances.” 

By numbers 

Participants: Over 40,000 youths have applied to the FutureSkills4All initiative, with 8,843 selected learners actively engaging in courses to date. Collectively, they have accumulated over 41,000 hours of learning. 

Gender breakdown: To date, the initiative has seen participation from 4,662 males and 4,181 females. 

Regional representation: Participants hail from across the region, with the majority coming from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and the United Arab Emirates. 

Leveraging youth skills in the Arab region is key to move forward

The process of promoting skills and education to enhance competences and the employment and education opportunities for young people is a challenge which needs to be tackled across the Arab States. The FutureSkills4All initiative is a great opportunity for youth to achieve full engagement in global processes to generate positive change and innovation around the world. 

World Youth Skills Day is an important occasion to raise awareness and promote discussions on the importance of educating and training youth. 

Let us unite in recognizing the potential of young people as agents of peace and continue our journey to provide them with the skills and opportunities to address challenges and build a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future. 

The #FutureSkills4Me competition 

Photo:UNDP Lebanon

A competition was launched today where FutureSkills4All learners can showcase their learning though videos. Winners will have the opportunity to attend the Knowledge Summit this year in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Be part of this exciting competition and share how you are using your skills to shape a better future. 

This World Youth Skills Day, let us commit to nurturing our youth with the tools they need to navigate challenges and contribute to a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future.  

Launched in September 2023 at the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York, the FutureSkills4All initiative is a strategic collaboration between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF), in collaboration with Coursera. This initiative aims to empower citizens in the Arab States region by equipping them with essential skills for the future. Through targeted educational pathways, FutureSkills4All enhances the capabilities of individuals to effectively navigate and address socio-economic challenges, fostering a generation poised to lead with resilience and innovation.