a close up of a person cutting a piece of bread

Informal Economy Project

Supporting Informal Enterprises Transition Towards Sustainable Growth and Formalization in the African, Caribbean and Pacific Regions

Project Title: Supporting Informal Enterprises Transition Towards Sustainable Growth and Formalization in the African, Caribbean and Pacific Regions (Informal Economy) 

Project Period: Feb 2022-May 2026

Project Budget: USD 9,746,362

The informal economy project is an African, Caribbean and Pacific (OACPS) Group of States initiative financed by the European Union (EU) and the United nations Development Programme (UNDP).  It is a 52-month project implemented by UNDP in partnership with different partners including the International Labour Organization (ILO). 

The main objective of the project is to enable informal enterprises transition towards sustainable growth and formalization in the ACP regions through an integrated, coherent and mutually reinforcing interventions at national and sectoral levels.

Target Beneficiaries

  • Informal enterprises
  • Intermediaries (including financial institutions, fintech firms, aggregators, incubators, and accelerators)
  • National Governments 

Project Pillars

  • Creating an enabling policy and regulatory environment 
  •  Facilitating access to finance 
  •  Building capacity among the intermediaries and informal enterprises
  •  Fostering collective actions and innovations to address gaps in selected sectors.
  • Disseminating knowledge and experience at the regional and global level

Project Intervention Logic


Key figures


Target Countries: Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Solomon Islands


Targeted number of Informal Enterprises


Incentive schemes for formalization to be developed


Financial Solutions /Services to be designed


Incubators/Accelerators to be supported


Training of Trainers (ToTs) to be provided


Informal enterprises trained


Sectoral Collective Action Platforms established