Local authorities pave the Al-Jami and Al-Hamishi road

August 26, 2024
a man riding a bike down a dirt road

a sign on a rocky hill A portion of the paved road in Al-Jami and Al-Hamishi neighborhood

UNDP Yemen / 2024

On Tuesday, July 25, 2024, the Habil Jabar District in Lahj Governorate, Yemen, marked a major step forward in advancing local development. Local authorities, with support from UNDP’s Strengthening Institutional and Economic Resilience in Yemen (SIERY) Project, inaugurated the newly paved road in Al-Jami and Al-Hamishi neighborhood, marking a new era of connectivity and growth for the region.

a man riding a bike down a dirt road

a sign on a rocky hill A portion of the paved road in Al-Jami and Al-Hamishi neighborhood

UNDP Yemen / 2024

Rough and difficult to traverse, it hindered the movement of people and the delivery of essential goods. The local authorities recognized the urgent need for improvement, and UNDP with local partner Yemen Aid, supported by the European Union, provided the crucial support needed to transform this vision into reality.

a truck driving down a dirt road

Residents struggling with the rough terrain.

UNDP Yemen / 2024
"We were suffering greatly due to the roughness of the road. Traveling to our homes and receiving essential goods and services required large vehicles and high costs. The paving of this road is a blessing for all of us." — Rayid - Local resident of Habil Jabar.
a man that is standing in the dirt

Rayid, a local resident, discussing the impact of the new road.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

By assessing the poor condition of the road and understanding its impact on the community, local authorities prioritized this project in their recovery and resilience plans and secured the support and resources required through UNDP’s SIERY Project to pave this critical road.

a group of people sitting at a table in front of a curtain

Local authorities and the project team discussing the road paving plan.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

The newly paved road not only facilitates the movement of residents but also ensures the arrival of essential goods. This development significantly enhances the role of local authorities in providing their services more effectively, fostering a sense of progress and hope among  community members.

a man walking down a dirt road

Workers paving the road in Habil Jabar District.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

This achievement reflects the commitment of local authorities to improving service delivery and access to infrastructure for the people of Habil Jabar District. The road paving project stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the positive impact of targeted development initiatives.

a dirt path next to a body of water

The smooth, paved road, ready to serve the residents of Al-Jami and Al-Hamishi neighborhood.

UNDP Yemen / 2024
"After the project was implemented, access to essential services in the area became easier, and the overall ease of mobility will enable us to provide our services more effectively." — Hassan - Local Authority Member
This milestone was made possible thanks to the European Union.