A Challenge for Creative Minds

August 29, 2024
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About the Programme

UNDP Creative Industries is an innovative three-year project designed to foster the development of the
creative sectors within Kosovo*, aiming for inclusive growth and sustainable development. Recognizing the significant role of Creative Industries (CIs) globally, this project seeks to tap into Kosovo's unique advantages:
a burgeoning talent pool of young creatives, competitive labour costs, favourable fiscal policies, a rich tradition in crats, and an established international reputation.

From 2017 to 2019, employment in Kosovo's creative sector surged by 26%, outpacing the general employment growth rate. Despite this potential, creative industries confront several obstacles, including skill gaps, limited access to finance, and restricted research and development (R&D) opportunities.

In response, UNDP Kosovo is launching a call for innovative ideas. This initiative seeks to tap into the power of creativity to generate new knowledge and foster sustainable, inclusive development. By targeting the private sector and involving academia in the development and refinement of these ideas, this initiative
aims to facilitate an enhanced collaboration between academia and the private sector and build a dynamic ecosystem that nurtures talent and fosters innovation, thereby enhancing Kosovo's competitive position and supporting a resilient, inclusive economy. These collaborative efforts are crucial for stimulating the development of new knowledge and innovative solutions, particularly in a context where R&D activities
need strengthening.

The call supports the private sector in developing innovative prototypes and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) through close collaboration with academic institutions and UNDP experts in business development.
We welcome ideas from the following sub-sectors of the creative industries:

- Media and audio-visuals;
- Creative services (which include interior design, graphic design, fashion design, architecture, advertising, game design, and industrial design).

Selected proposals will receive mentoring, guidance, and support to transition from idea to prototype, and from prototype to MVP, as follows:

- Prototype development up to 5,000 EUR award or outcome-based grant.
- MVP development: up to 10,000 EUR outcome-based grant.

This financial support, combined with mentorship and academic collaboration, is designed to propel Kosovo's creative industries into a new era of growth and innovation.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999).

Open Call

    We invite applications from start-ups with innovative solutions in the creative industries. We're looking for
    projects that demonstrate a strong potential for impact and scalability, whether through the introduction
    of novel technologies, unique business models, or creative approaches that contribute to the sustainable
    development of Kosovo.. Ideal proposals will leverage collaboration between academia and the private
    sector, showing how this partnership can drive innovation and foster growth.

    - Type: You are a start-up, and your solutions target the sectors: media and audio-visuals, creative services
    (which include interior design, graphic design, fashion design, architecture, advertising, game design, and
    industrial design).
    - Location: You are registered and intend to implement your project in Kosovo.
    - Language: Proficiency in English.

    - Innovation: Proposals should demonstrate the use of cu􀆫ng-edge technologies, innovative digital tools,
    or introduce novel ideas, approaches, products, or services to a target group or market within the creative
    industries. This could include new methods of production, unique business models, or fresh artistic

    - Feasibility and viability: Innovations should be feasible, indicating that they can be developed, tested,
    and/or implemented within the programme's timeline and budget. This requires a clear plan demonstrating
    how the proposed solution will progress from concept to prototype or MVP within a period of 3 months
    during the mentorship and grant support.

    - Scalability: The proposed innovations should have the potential for scalability, meaning they can be
    expanded or replicated within or beyond their current geographical area of operations. This could involve
    reaching a larger market, extending the product line, or establishing new partnerships to scale the impact.

    - Potential for impact: Proposals should contribute to the broader objectives of the programme,
    demonstrating high potential for impact within the creative industries. This could involve addressing
    significant challenges, driving sustainable and inclusive development, or creating substantial economic
    and social value.

    - Management capacity: Applicants should have a strong team with clearly defined roles and
    responsibilities, demonstrating the capacity to implement their innovation successfully. The team should
    possess the necessary skills and experience to manage the development and scaling of their project.

    The Innovation Unleashed: A Challenge for Creative Minds offers a comprehensive structure designed to
    guide participants from idea conception through prototyping and the development of MVPs. This structure
    emphasizes mentorship, academic collaboration, and hands-on learning, ensuring participants receive
    targeted support to turn their ideas into viable products.

    - Business development mentoring and coaching: This component, delivered by UNDP, focuses on business
    model development, sustainability, and social impact. It includes group sessions, workshops, and 1:1 mentoring
    with industry experts.

    - Prototype and MVP development mentoring and coaching: This part is facilitated by the academic partner
    and involves a structured mentorship programme to guide participants through the prototyping process,
    refining their ideas, and developing MVPs.

    - Online talks and networking sessions: These sessions are designed to provide participants with insights
    into industry trends, business development strategies, and funding opportunities. They are led by UNDP and
    industry experts, covering topics such as branding, storytelling, market analysis, and technology integration.

    Launch of the call – September 2024
    Deadline for applications – 16 September 2024
    Onboarding day – 25 September 2024
    Provision of financial awards – September- October 2024
    Mentorship programme (Impact business development, Prototyping and MVP development)
    Acceleration of the innovations and project implementation support – September- November 2024
    Creative Talks – September-November 2024
    Industry Fair inc. Demo Day -December 2024

    Mentorship is a critical component of the programme, with an estimated duration of three months.
    Each participant receives at least 15 hours of individualized mentorship from academic partner and
    UNDP business development experts. The mentorship programme is designed to support participants
    in refining their ideas, developing prototypes, and creating MVPs. The academic partner will also provide
    co-working spaces for mentorship and product development, fostering a collaborative environment that
    encourages peer-to-peer learning and knowledge sharing.

    The Creative Industries project is supported by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and is implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship, and Trade (MIET), Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport (MCYS), and Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI)