PGSD Begins Promoting Citizen Participation in Local Level Planning in Central Province

September 3, 2024
a group of people standing on top of a grass covered field

Participants following the workshop in Tulagi.

Photo: UNDP

Tulagi, Solomon Islands: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Provincial Government of Central Island Province organized a workshop on Citizen Participation in Local (Ward) Level Planning in Tulagi on 30 August 2024. The workshop aimed to enhance community engagement in the provincial development planning process, particularly at the ward level.

Citizen participation is crucial for the success of local development initiatives. In Solomon Islands, Ward Development Committees (WDCs) lead the participatory, bottom-up planning processes. However, the voices and concerns of ordinary citizens are often missing in these plans. This workshop is the first in a series seeking to address this gap by building the capacity of WDC members and the broader community to fully understand and engage in the planning process, ensuring their needs and concerns are reflected in the development priorities.

Organized under the Provincial Governments and Service Delivery project supported by the European Union, the main objective of the workshop is to strengthen the understanding and awareness of WDC members and various local community groups, including youth, women, persons with disabilities, and community leaders in Solomon Islands on their role in the participatory planning of the development process of the Provincial Government. Additionally, the session aims to enhance the capacity of community members to better understand the participatory planning process and learn how to engage with each other for improved planning and results.

One of the objectives of the EU-supported PGSD project, implemented by UNDP, is to raise awareness among community members on community oversight and social accountability, instilling a culture of greater participation and transparency.

The workshop included technical specialists such as the planning specialist of the Provincial Government of Central Province and MPGIS technical focal point at the provincial level. They shared their experiences and insights on past annual working plans and the implementation of Ward Development Grants (WDG).

a group of people holding a sign

Workshop particpants during a presentation.

Photo: UNDP

Around 60 participants from the 5 wards development committees where the project is implementing activities in the Central Province, and representatives from school management committees, women and youth provincial councils, as well as traditional leaders, church organizations, and people with disabilities had the opportunity to engage in moderated open discussions and group activities to reflect on the participatory planning approach and develop recommendations for enhancing citizen participation, particularly in the health and education sectors.

Mr. Dennis, Deputy Provincial Premier, during his closing remarks, expressed his support for the initiative, stating, "This workshop is a vital step in ensuring that the voices of our communities are heard and integrated into the development plans of our province. By strengthening citizen participation at the ward level, we are paving the way for more inclusive and effective governance."

Mozammel Haque, Project Manager, added, "The success of local development initiatives depends on the active involvement of all community members. This workshop is an opportunity to build the capacity of the members of Ward Development Committees and community representatives to work together in shaping the future of their province."

The workshop on Citizen Participation in Local (Ward) Level Planning represents a significant opportunity to enhance community engagement in the development process in Central Island Province and eventually all provinces of Solomon Islands. The project will look to take the discussion to other provinces to empower all WDC members and the broader community around the country, ensuring that development priorities in all provinces are aligned with the real needs and concerns of the people, leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes, paving the way for more decentralized service delivery in Solomon Islands and closer decision-making for all Solomon Islanders.

For more information, please contact:   

Daniel Gonzalez, Communications Analyst, UNDP Solomon Islands Office, | +677 7740740/+34 656560270