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The timbuktoo GreenTech Hub in Kenya 

The timbuktoo initiative was launched in January 2024 at the World Economic Forum in Davos, positioned to be the world’s largest financing facility for Africa’s startups. Inspired by the historic city of Timbuktu in Mali, it is a multi-stakeholder initiative bringing together governments, the private sector, and academia to power Africa’s socio-economic transformation through innovation.

The timbuktoo initiative targets to mobilise and invest USD 1 billion to support 10,000 startups, scale over 1000 of them over 10 years, to impact 100 million livelihoods and create USD 10 billion value on the African continent. The moonshot targets innovation on a pan-African scale through 10 strategically selected “hubs” which will be sector-specific and engage with startups from across the continent.

The establishment of the timbuktoo GreenTech Hub in Kenya will leverage on the country's commitment to renewable energy, strong innovation ecosystem, robust ICT infrastructure, supportive government policies, and an increasing focus on sustainability. Backed by Government support, the Hub will work towards the development of a diverse, blended pipeline of bankable green projects to unlock green investment opportunities at scale. The Hub priority areas are:

  1. Renewable energy generation, storage, access, energy efficiency.
  2. Climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies.
  3. Waste management solutions.

The timbuktoo GreenTech Hub aims to promote sustainable development, build resilience to climate change and create economic opportunities by fostering the growth of a thriving green technology and industrialisation sector in Africa.

Click here to apply now and join the timbuktoo GreenTech Hub in Kenya