Mizan II System Secured the Second Place in the Runner Up to the SDG Digital “GameChangers” Award 2024


September 21, 2024
Mizan award

Mizan II System Secured the Second Place in the Runner Up to the SDG Digital “GameChangers” Award 2024

UNDP image Bank

New York, 20, September 2024- The Mizan II Case and Court Management System, developed locally by the Palestinian High Judicial Council with continuous support from the United Nations Development Programme / Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP / PAPP) through the Sawasya III Joint Programme, has secured second place in the 2024 SDG Digital GameChangers Award, under the “Peace” category. 

Selected from over 1100 global submissions from 126 countries, Palestine’s Mizan II system was honored for its transformative role in advancing the SDG's targets, particularly SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and SDG 5: Gender Equality. Developed using a collaborative approach, the Mizan II was recognized for its readiness for scalability, replicability, and focus on vulnerable groups, particularly women and children. It includes algorithms that prioritize cases involving gender-based violence (GBV), ensuring specialized handling and faster resolutions.

Mizan award

Mizan II System Secured the Second Place in the Runner Up to the SDG Digital “GameChangers” Award 2024

UNDP image bank

With more than 23 years of operation, Mizan II has served over 100,000 people and 7,000 legal professionals.  The system successfully managed over 4.5 million cases, processed more than 26.6 million documents, and handled over 1.8 million notary public records including over 1 million marriage and divorce documents.

Mizan II is an integrated digital case management system with desktop and mobile applications that connects courts, legal professionals, law enforcement, and the public across all courts level in all types of courts. The system allows for case monitoring from initiation to resolution, enhancing security, transparency, and judicial efficiency.

UNDP's efforts to pursue an active South-South Triangular and Cooperation (SSTC) strategy have led to Mizan II being featured in several regional and global forums, establishing Palestine as a leader in judicial digital transformation within the Middle East and North Africa. This was made possible with continues support and long-term commitment from the Sawasya Joint programme development partners; the Government of the Netherlands, Sweden, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, and the European Union.



For more information about Mizan II and its impact, please watch this video: https://youtu.be/BRXmMyIqc8M and https://youtu.be/7ohImeQNMF8

Contact Information: mizan@courts.gov.ps