To overcome the shared challenge of #poverty, we urge everyone to take action together!

Digital Art Design Contest: Engaging Youth for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2024

September 23, 2024

1. Background and Context

Poverty includes a range of dimensions, some of which are not immediately visible but are deeply interconnected. For the 2024-2025 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP), the focus will be on a particularly Hidden Dimension of Poverty, the social and institutional maltreatment experienced by people living in poverty. The theme will also emphasize how we can work together to advance Sustainable Development Goals, which strive to build fair, peaceful, and inclusive communities.

“The suffering includes negative thoughts and emotions that never end and can be overwhelming: constant fear of what could happen, of losing very scarce resources or assets, of what others will say on being ‘found out’ as poor; stress and anxiety caused by the difficulty of coping with uncertainty; shame related to living conditions and the need to ask for help and assistance, guilt about being without key resources or unable to give to others; unbearable pain in being separated from children; despair and discouragement when no end to poverty is in sight ”.

Individuals living in poverty often encounter negative attitudes, including stigma, discrimination, and judgment based on their appearance, accent, or lack of an address. They are frequently blamed for their circumstances and treated with a lack of respect. Poverty manifests in various ways, often leading to a host of negative experiences for those affected. Beyond the financial strain, individuals in poverty frequently encounter societal biases and prejudices. They might face derogatory assumptions based on their economic status, such as being unfairly judged for their appearance, speech, or living conditions.

Many feel rejected, inadequate, or humiliated, and when they attempt to break free from poverty. Living in poverty means being overlooked, excluded, and exploited, leading to profound physical, mental, and emotional suffering—feeling insecure, fearful, and desperate. Entrenched discriminatory attitudes and practices further contribute to feelings of hopelessness and disempowerment.

“The necessary resources include: sufficient nutritious food; adequate clothing; affordable, quality housing with good sanitation, clean water, and a reliable energy supply providing security and privacy; non-discriminatory education in well-equipped schools; affordable, accessible and effective health and dental care; serviceable public transport; and nonhazardous environments. Lack of access to these resources means that individuals, families, and communities are unable to meet daily needs, live with dignity, or have sufficient quality time for family or personal growth”.

Acting together for just, peaceful, and inclusive societies

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) plays a crucial role in addressing poverty in Uzbekistan by implementing sustainable development programs aimed at reducing poverty and inequality. Through various initiatives, UNDP supports marginalized communities, enhances access to essential resources, and strengthens local capacities to improve livelihoods. By working closely with the government and other partners, UNDP helps to build resilient communities, foster economic opportunities, and ensure that those affected by poverty are included in development processes, ultimately contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 1—ending poverty in all its forms.

Empowering Creative Youth: Digital Art Contest for Poverty Awareness

The Digital Art Contest organized by the UNDP Uzbekistan aims to foster social responsibility among young people, encouraging them to participate in addressing key issues related to poverty and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This contest provides a platform for youth to creatively express their perspectives on the hidden dimensions of poverty and its broader implications. By engaging young people in artistic exploration, the competition promotes values of inclusion, empathy, and awareness while educating participants from diverse backgrounds on the social and economic challenges faced by marginalized communities.

UNDP recognizes that Poverty persists due to unjust systems, structural discrimination, and exploitative economic practices. Achieving freedom from the poverty trap requires including those most affected in discussions and actions around poverty eradication. 

Building just, peaceful, and inclusive societies requires concrete steps: 

  • Creating opportunities for people who have experienced poverty to share their insights and ensuring that their knowledge is valued and respected. 
  • Supporting efforts that help individuals living in poverty regain confidence and take charge of their lives.
  • Acknowledging the important contributions of those affected by poverty, especially their unique understanding of the policies and practices that impact them.

The Digital Art Design contest for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty seeks to achieve the following goals:

  • Inspire and engage young people in Uzbekistan to creatively express their perspectives on hidden dimensions of poverty and inequality through digital art. 
  • Raise awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a strong emphasis on SDG 1 (ending poverty) specifically on multidimensional poverty, thereby fostering a deeper understanding of the shared challenge of poverty. 
  • Utilize the artworks as powerful tools for public awareness campaigns, showcasing them in both digital platforms and physical public spaces to spark discussions and inspire action on poverty alleviation in all its forms.

2. Submission Guidelines and Requirements

  • Theme Adherence: All entries must adhere to the competition theme of addressing the Hidden Dimensions of Poverty in Uzbekistan, reflecting on Multidimensional Poverty without exception. 
  • Age: Applicants must be between 15 and 24 years old, residing in Uzbekistan. 
  • Registration: Submissions must be via using LINK 
  • Paper Size and Format: The artwork must be in digital format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch), suitable for both print and digital use (e.g., JPG, PNG, PDF). Designs must be scalable to different dimensions, including posters (A2 or A3) and digital banners. It must be submitted in digital format. 
  • Drawing Caption: Each artwork can be accompanied by a caption, written in Uzbek, Russian, or English, not exceeding 30 words. 
  • Submission Deadline: Submissions will be accepted until 6:00 PM, October 14, 2024
  • Judging Criteria: Artwork will be evaluated based on creativity, adherence to the theme, and overall artistic expression. The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
  • Multiple Entries: Participants are not allowed to submit multiple entries. 
  • Code of Conduct: Participants are expected to behave respectfully and professionally throughout the competition. Any form of disruptive behavior or misconduct will result in disqualification. 
  • Rights and Permissions: By submitting their artwork, participants grant the organizers the right to display, reproduce, and distribute the artwork for promotional and educational purposes, with appropriate credit given to the artist.
  • Prizes: The nature and value of the prizes will be determined by the organizers and communicated to the participants in due course.
  • Disqualification: The organizers reserve the right to disqualify any participant who violates the rules and regulations of the competition or engages in unethical behavior, as determined at their discretion. 
  • Legal Compliance: Participants are responsible for ensuring that their artwork complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including copyright and intellectual property rights. 
  • Modification of Rules: The organizers reserve the right to modify, amend, or cancel any rules or regulations of the competition at their discretion, with prior notice to the participants.

Winner Selection Process:

The selection committee will carefully evaluate each submission to ensure that it complies with all competition requirements. Based on these strict criteria, the top 3 participants will be selected as winners. Their artistic skill, creativity, and dedication to meeting the contest's standards will be formally recognized.

Celebrate your success on a global stage!

The top three winners from each category will have their winning images showcased at the prestigious UNDP Country Office and presented to UN officials. 

Winners will be contacted on 16 October and announced on 17 October on UNDP social media platforms. 

Winning is rewarded: 

  • Top 3 winners: Winner Certificate and Tablet. 

    But that’s not all: 

  • Every registered participant will receive a Participation E-Certificate. 
  • Elevate your impact as the winners will be recognized as “Student Ambassadors” for the #EndPoverty! Campaign.

    Join us and make your mark on the global stage with the #EndPoverty Campaign! 

Should you have any questions please contact: and