Empowering Implementing Partners for a Sustainable Gambia: Strengthening Capacity for Impactful Results

September 25, 2024

Imagine a future where development projects in The Gambia consistently achieve their goals, leaving a lasting impact on communities. This vision is becoming a reality thanks to a comprehensive training program organized by UNDP The Gambia, which has equipped 75 participants (48 male, 27 female) with the skills and knowledge in monitoring and evaluation, concept note development, communicating results and maximising resources through effective oversight in project implementation.

The training brought together government ministries, civil society organisations, and the private sector, which focused on strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices, as a crucial component for driving impactful projects. UNDP's Results Framework (2024-2028) and the Recovery-Focused National Development Plan (2023-2027) emphasize the importance of aligning strategies to achieve key development goals. 


From Concept to Impact:

The training provided insight into developing concept notes and was instrumental in equipping participants with the skills to craft strategic and results-oriented proposals. The training approach Emphasizes clarity, partnership building, and adherence to core principles to design and articulate project interventions that are both impactful and sustainable. 

"The trainers used a participatory approach that was really effective. We could share our experiences and ideas, which made the training informative and instructive in developing concept notes and reporting in line with the result-based approach."
Didier Gbery, Head of Programmes at the International Center for Transitional Justice
a group of people in a room
Mariam Njai

Participants Embrace Results-Based Thinking

A key emphasis in the training was on Results-Based Management (RBM) and Managing for Development Results (MfDR) approaches to M&E instead of traditional monitoring and evaluation practices. RBM and MfDR focuses on achieving the desired outcomes and impacts, unlike traditional approaches, which often fall short by focusing primarily on inputs and activities. These approaches also foster a culture of continuous improvement, evidence-based decision-making, transparency and greater accountability.

"The Results-Based Management and Managing for Development Results training was a pivotal learning experience," shared Ebrima Barrow, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for the National Human Rights Commission. "The practical insights gained have significantly enhanced my approach to monitoring and evaluation in the post-TRRC project, enabling us to align our activities with measurable outcomes."

From Theory to Practice

The hands-on group work and breakout sessions, which engaged participants in developing concepts, M&E plans, and result frameworks, fostered a culture of collaboration and continuous learning. Participants were encouraged to integrate best practices into their work, strengthening their ability to deliver impactful results.


"The shared experiences and insights during the sessions have increased my knowledge of the RBM approach to M&E, which has enabled me to develop an actionable M&E framework for ONS," explained Abdoulie Sawo, M&E Officer for the Office of National Security. "The training also provided a unique opportunity to strengthen relations between UNDP and implementing partners in addressing developmental challenges."

Addressing Potential Challenges and Promoting Sustainability

Equipping a diverse group of stakeholders with the skills to monitor and evaluate projects effectively is an initiative that will promote a collaborative approach to sustainable development in The Gambia in line with the UNDP country programme document. This will strengthen project implementation and financial oversight, as well as enhance transparency and accountability, contributing to achieving sustainable development goals.

Call to Action

Moving forward, it is crucial for all partners to actively apply the principles and techniques learned during the training. Participants were encouraged to:

  • Integrate best practices by incorporating results-based management techniques and strategic frameworks into ongoing and future projects to enhance efficiency and impact.

  • Strengthen collaboration through a culture of engaging with other implementing partners by sharing insights, lessons learned, and innovative approaches with peers and stakeholders to address challenges collectively.

  • Leverage on networks and resources provided during the training to overcome challenges to ensure the sustainability of the initiatives.