UNDP contribution to the Geneva Peace Week

September 27, 2019

During the Geneva Peace Week(link is external) that will take place from November 4th to 8th, UNDP will organize three interactive events aimed at  bringing together a wide range of actors to exchange lessons learnt of their respective work in the area of peace building. UNDP will focus on three key areas that support peace building processes:

  • The complex process of reintegrating ex-combatants and associated groups 
  • The importance of social cohesion, social contract and social capital (3SC) in peace building

In addition, UNDP will organise a side-event to present the comprehensive report on SDG16+(link is external)which takes stock of the current state of implementation of Goal 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. 

The Geneva Peace Week offers an opportunity to connect and highlight the work of a diverse range of actors and expand the space for building peace and resolving conflict through dialogue and negotiation. For more information and registration to these events please see below.

UNDP contribution to the Programme

Journeys to Peace: The Reintegration of Former Fighters in Europe and Beyond 

Monday 4 November 2019 13:30 – 15:00 @ UNOG Palais des Nations Room VIII

The event focuses on the complex journey of reintegration into civilian life and re-joining mainstream society that individuals and groups undertake after leaving an armed group. For more than 25 years, the United Nations have supported disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) in peace building contexts, with experiences consolidated in the Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS). With the changing conflict contexts, the IDDRS is currently being revised to reflect new strategic guidance on reintegration as part of sustaining peace. As one of the Co-chairs of the IAWG, UNDP is leading this development of this new reintegration guidance.  Reintegration of former members of armed groups, however, also takes place in Europe, such in Northern Ireland and Spain, as well as for returning foreign terrorist fighters. Partnering with the Folke Bernadotte Academy(link is external) (FBA), this event will illustrate experiences from reintegration in Europe, against the background of UN DDR and the European body of practice.

To register for the event: click here(link is external)


Pathways to Conflict Prevention for Local Governments

Wednesday 6 November 2019 16:00  – 17:30 @ UNOG Palais des Nations Room IX

Local governments play an important role for conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The concepts of social cohesion, social contract and social capital (3SC) are gaining traction in peacebuilding discourse and the links to the work of local governments are crucial. This event will examine the role of local governments, in the light of 3SC concepts, in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. This will include a critical discussion on the role of international actors in relation to local governments. Examples from the work of UNDP, UCLA and IMPACT will be part of the conversation.

To register for the event: click here(link is external)


#SDG16NOW: Ensuring peace, justice and inclusion on the ground – interactive consultation

Tuesday 5 November 2019 10.15-11.15 @ Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) Networking Room 

On the occasion of the High-Level Political Forum in July 2019, and the review of SDG 16, the Global Alliance for Reporting Progress on Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies published a comprehensive report on SDG16+(link is external)taking stock of the current state of implementation of SDG 16, based on examples from SDG 16+ initiatives at local and country levels. 

The time has come to operationalize the report’s recommendations, taking them to national and subnational stakeholders, exploring possible gaps and considering how SDG 16+ can better support the conflict prevention and peacebuilding agenda. 

This interactive event will focus on the opportunities and entry-points provided by SDG 16 for efforts on peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Four years into the 2030 Agenda, what are the experiences gathered so far and how can we translate the urgent call for action on SDG 16 into reality? Participants will be asked for their ideas on how to ensure progress on peace, justice and inclusion to leave no one behind. 

To register for the event: click here(link is external)