When Water Returned, Hope Grew for a Family in Viet Nam

October 8, 2024
Before and after the pond construction

Photo: Before and after the pond construction

In the central province of Ninh Thuan, scorching heat and annual drought have become an enduring part of people’s lives. Among those affected is the young family of Ms. Chamalea Thi Thuyen and Mr. Tain Huong  living in Phuoc Trung commune of Bac Ai district.  

Huong, Thuyen and their two children belong to the Raglai ethnic minority. They rely on raising livestock and cultivating crops on their parched four-acre field, currently growing sesame. Due to the severe water shortage, they need constant help securing enough water for daily living and their crops.

Drought has made their income unstable. "Our household is like the neighbouring households. We all face the same challenges; we can only farm when it rains from August to January. Sometimes our crops are completely lost due to lack of rain," said Thuyen.

Their lives started to change with the implementation of a government-led climate resilience project backed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and UNDP. This project aims to enhance communities’ resilience to drought by constructing climate-proof ponds that guarantee a steady supply of water throughout the year.

In July last year (2023), the Thuyen family’s received assistance digging a six-metre-deep private pond.

"The collaboration between GCF, UNDP and the Government of Viet Nam in building climate-resilient ponds is making a profound difference in the lives of smallholder farmers in drought-prone regions. Climate-resilient ponds are vital to ensure sustainable water access for families like Mr. Tain Huong and Ms. Chamalea Thi Thuyen. This initiative provides immediate relief and lays the groundwork for long-term agricultural resilience and prosperity in our rural communities." – Mr. Nguyen Manh Ngoc, SACCR National Project Director of the Central Office for Water Resources Projects at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

a little boy that is standing in the grass

Photo: Ms. Thuyen is happy with the new pond

Since its introduction, the family's life and livelihood have significantly improved, with the pond servicing the family’s livestock and crops. "My cows now have water to drink. I don't have to herd cows to far-off streams anymore. The cows of neighbouring households also come to my pond to drink. My family has planted an additional grass field for cows to eat on another land," Ms. Thuyen said with a smile, reflecting the newfound respite in their daily life.

"The construction of these ponds is a testament to the power of partnership with local stakeholders and innovative solutions in addressing water scarcity. For these families, the ponds are more than just a water source—they are a lifeline that supports their daily needs and agricultural activities. This initiative exemplifies our commitment at UNDP to empowering communities to build resilience and secure a sustainable and prosperous future amidst the challenges of climate change." –  Ms. Ramla Khalidi, UNDP Resident Representative in Viet Nam.

Although the family still faces other difficulties, such as the lack of money to buy pumps for growing other crops, the newly dug pond has given them hope. They have begun envisioning a diverse garden with vegetables such as asparagus, beans, local corn, and sesame—plants they had once only dared to dream of.

As the sun sets over Phuoc Trung, the ripples in the newly-constructed pond reflect the promise of a brighter future.

With support from the Green Climate Fund, the SACCR project (2020-2026) is aimed at empowering vulnerable smallholders in five provinces of the Central Highlands and South-Central Coast regions of Viet Nam – especially poor, near poor, ethnic minority, and economically women-dependent households – to manage increasing climate risks to agricultural production by securing water availability, adopting climate-resilient agricultural practices, and strengthening access to actionable agro-climate information, credit, and markets.