UNDP empowers communities in Sierra Leone to build resilience and reduce poverty.

October 17, 2024
a group of people sitting posing for the camera

VSLA members at a weekly meeting in Kamara Chiefdom

UNDP Sierra Leone/Janet Alamisi Dabire

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is making transformative strides in empowering communities in Sierra Leone to build resilience and reduce poverty through its innovative programme's. One notable initiative is the Human Security Project, implemented in the Gbense, Soa, and Kamara Chiefdom's of Kono District, as part of a three-year effort. This project, funded by the United Nations Human Security Trust Fund and executed in partnership with SEND Sierra Leone, utilizes a Human Security approach to address the root causes of insecurity and poverty in these communities.

The Human Security project implemented in partnership with Send Siera Leone  with funding from  the United Nations Human Security Trust Fund, applied  a  multifaceted approach to address the root causes of insecurity and poverty in these chiefdoms. By focusing on human security defined as the protection of individuals' rights, livelihoods, and dignity ,  UNDP aimed  to create a safer and more stable environment for all residents.

A core component of this initiative was its commitment to supporting persons with disabilities. UNDP has implemented tailored programme's to ensure that individuals with disabilities had  equal access to resources and opportunities, enabling them to participate fully in community life. This approach not only fostered  inclusivity but also strengthens community resilience by empowering all members.

a young boy standing next to a child

Mariam Brima, a VSLA member in Kamara Chiefdom and her children.

UNDP Sierra Leone/Janet Alamisi Dabire

Mariama Brima, once a street beggar in Koidu City,Kono, now thrives as an entrepreneur. Thanks to UNDP's support, she owns a mini shop and has learned soap-making skills.

"I used to beg to feed my children," Mariama recalls. "But now, I proudly provide for my family without relying on others."

Mariama joined a cooperative in Gbense Chiefdom  and that has enhanced her financial status. She saves weekly with them and has the opportunity  to collect soft loans  to enhance her business. UNDP's intervention has empowered Mariama to break the cycle of poverty, gaining financial independence and self-dignity.

Save, borrow, thrive through Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs)

Another pivotal aspect of the project is the promotion of financial inclusion. Through the establishment of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs). VSLAs provide community members with access to affordable credit, enabling them to start or expand businesses.

 Hawa Sogbeh, Chair Lady of a VSLA in Kamara Chiefdom, explained the impact on their lives. 

"VSLAs have transformed how we manage our finances. Now, we can support each other in times of need, and we have the means to invest in our businesses, which helps us lift our families out of poverty."

600 members of the VSLA’s  in all three chiefdom's were trained  on value addition agriculture products and environmental impact, enhancing knowledge and resource management.

a group of people standing next to a man

A trainee receiving set of start-up equipment in Soa Chiefdom

UNDP Sierra Leone/SEND Sierra Leone/Edward Kamara

Economic empowerment through skills training

In addition to financial inclusion, the project offered skills training programme's that equip community members with the expertise needed to thrive economically. These training sessions cover a range of subjects, from agricultural practices to small business management, providing participants with the skills to create sustainable livelihoods.

"The skills I learned have helped me to refine my wielding business," shared Aiah  Sesay, a recent graduate of the skills training program in Koidu Town. "Now, I can support my family and contribute to my community."

Watch Aiah Kamanda talk about the impact of the product.

Enhancing poverty reduction

By integrating these components - support for persons with disabilities, financial inclusion, and economic empowerment through skills training - the Human Security project significantly contributes to poverty reduction in Kono District. UNDP's approach not only addresses immediate needs but also empowers communities to build resilience against future challenges.

a group of people sitting at a table with a blue roof

A refurbished market in Soa Chiefdom , under the Human Security Project

UNDP Sierra Leone/SEND Sierra Leone/Edward Kamara


Through its Human Security Project in Sierra Leone, UNDP is fostering community resilience and reducing poverty. By addressing the diverse needs of vulnerable populations, promoting financial inclusion, and enhancing skills development, UNDP is creating a pathway toward sustainable development and prosperity for all Sierra Leoneans.

The success stories from the project show that by empowering individuals and communities, it is possible to build a more resilient future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

a group of people standing in front of a building

Gbense Rice Milling Centre contsructed by the Human Security Project support local rice farmers imorve their productivity.

UNDP Sierra Leone/Janet Alamisi Dabire