Opening Remarks by Ms. Beate Trankmann at the 2024 Hydrogen Industry Conference

October 18, 2024

UNDP Resident Representative in China, Beate Trankmann, delivered opening remarks virtually at the 2024 Hydrogen Industry Conference held in Foshan, China.

女士们,先生们,大家上午好!(Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and friends, Good morning!)

很高兴与大家相聚在佛山,虽然我在线上。也就是在佛山这个城市,自2016年以来,联合国开发计划署与南海区政府共同引领了世界领先的氢能经济,构建低碳未来。(It’s a great pleasure to join you, albeit virtually, as you meet in Foshan, the city that has pioneered the development of China’s world-leading hydrogen economy with UNDP since 2016, for a low-carbon future.)
This is more critical than ever, as the climate emergency threatens life on earth. Natural disasters now occur three times more often than 50 years ago. Global CO2 levels are at record highs, along with global temperatures. 2024 was the hottest year yet. And every half a degree Celsius rise globally makes heatwaves, floods and droughts more frequent, and more dangerous.

As such, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — the global roadmap to protecting our planet, and its most vulnerable people, by 2030 —hang by a thread. Based on current progress, the Asia-Pacific region will take until 2062 to achieve the SDGs – three decades too late. This underscores the urgency of our efforts and the need to accelerate action on all fronts.

Ahead of the UN climate summit in November, we must ensure our discussions translate into concrete actions. Today's conference is critical, as it focuses on hydrogen and hydrogen fuel cell technology, powered by renewable energy. These hold immense promise as clean energy solutions can transform high-emitting sectors including transportation.

More broadly, a strong hydrogen economy could revolutionize energy systems, significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and accelerate the green transition, especially for China, the largest emitter. The national hydrogen strategy launched in 2021 has been key in adopting hydrogen and fuel cell technology, demonstrating the government's commitment to low-carbon development and clean energy.

"The Sustainable Development Goals — the global roadmap to protecting our planet, and its most vulnerable people, by 2030 —hang by a thread. Based on current progress, the Asia-Pacific region will take until 2062 to achieve the SDGs – three decades too late."

Over the past twenty years, UNDP has worked with China to expand hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Since 2003, we’ve partnered with the Ministry of Science and Technology, to showcase and commercialize hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Our collaboration spans seven pilot cities, including Foshan’s Nanhai District, contributing significantly to the growth of fuel cell technology.

Recognizing the importance of a skilled workforce to apply that technology, UNDP is proud to have helped set up China’s first hydrogen economy vocational school in 2019. It is now training technicians, engineers, and others in the hydrogen jobs of tomorrow.

Finally, given that hydrogen must be green to truly make a dent on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change, UNDP is also forging a new partnership with the city of Ordos to power the production of hydrogen by renewable energy sources for a clean energy future. This not only strengthens technical capabilities within Inner Mongolia, but also is a first in China when it comes to the certification of green hydrogen.

Moving forward, we aim to build on these partnerships and explore new avenues to advance the hydrogen economy together. Let us seize the opportunity at the upcoming Climate summit to take concrete actions, to grow the green hydrogen sector, and green jobs.

It’s a privilege to have so many esteemed hydrogen academicians and speakers gathering today, whose insights will contribute to our discussions on the role of hydrogen in the green transition.

I thank the conference organizers, CCIEE and the Guangdong Provincial Government, for organizing this important event. The future of our climate and the planet, will be decided by what we all do, together.

UNDP stands ready to support your efforts for a green, inclusive hydrogen economy of tomorrow!

Thank you.