Lao PDR and UNDP Launch SDG Investor Map to Attract Private Investment for Sustainable Growth

October 23, 2024
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Vientiane, 18 October 2024 – The Government of Lao PDR, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has launched the Lao PDR SDG Investor Map, a market intelligence tool to help private investors identify investment opportunities and business models in the country aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Supported by the Centre for Impact Investing and Practices (CIIP), the Map identifies 11 Investment Opportunity Areas (IOAs) across five priority sectors.

As Lao PDR prepares for graduation from Least Developed Country (LDC) status in 2026, the SDG Investor Map provides actionable insights to mobilize private sector capital, focusing on sectors with high growth potential. This initiative is part of a broader effort supported by CIIP to develop SDG Investor Maps for Southeast Asia, with all maps available on the SDG Investor Platform by UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub’s Private Finance for the SDGs.

Dr. Sthabandith Insisienmay, Vice-Minister of Planning and Investment, emphasized the investment potential in Lao PDR: ““I sincerely hope that today's launch of the Map will be the starting point for joint work between the Ministry of Planning and Investment and UNDP as well as all stakeholders in ensuring that we have the right tools and mechanisms in place to attract investment to support the development of Lao PDR.”

The SDG Investor Map identifies investment opportunities in sectors such as health care, education, food and beverages, services, and renewable and alternative energy. Notably, 55% of the IOAs require investments of over USD $10 million, and 73% offer a payback period of less than five years. These opportunities are designed to appeal to both international and domestic investors by offering competitive returns while addressing critical development challenges.

Ms. Martine Therer, UNDP Resident Representative in Lao PDR, stated: “We remain committed to collaborating with the Government of Lao PDR, development partners, the private sector, and civil society to bridge the gap in development financing by attracting SDG-aligned private investments. It is crucial that the SDG Investor Map serves as a strategic guide to create an enabling environment for impact investments. Our goal is to provide investors with the necessary insights to direct their capital towards profitable areas, that also address national sustainable development challenges, and ultimately help improve the lives of the people in Lao PDR.”

The SDG Investor Map integrates impact management into business practices, ensuring that investments contribute positively to local communities and the environment. Eighty-two percent of the identified IOAs address critical development challenges while advancing the SDGs. These investments target key areas such as poverty reduction, environmental sustainability, and socio-economic development, while managing risks and maximizing positive outcomes for vulnerable communities.

Sebnem Sener, Head of Private Finance for the SDGs at UNDP, added: “To bridge the gap between development needs and private sector engagement, the SDG Investor Map provides investors with data-driven insights and impact-focused opportunities. This is a powerful tool for mobilizing private capital towards sustainable development, especially in emerging markets like Lao PDR. We believe that leveraging private investment is essential to drive progress towards the SDGs.”

Ms. Koh Lin-Net, Director of CIIP, highlighted the regional significance: “The Lao PDR SDG Investor Map is the seventh to be launched in ASEAN, joining maps for Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines. CIIP is pleased to support this effort in developing knowledge assets to support sustainable investment in Lao PDR. Together with our partner UNDP and the Government of Lao PDR, we look forward to building on the foundation the map has laid, and stride forward to further sustainable and inclusive growth.”

The launch marks a positive step in Lao PDR’s journey to mobilize private capital. By focusing on sectors with high growth potential, the SDG Investor Map provides a strategic roadmap for investors looking to generate financial returns while making a positive social and environmental impact.

Following the launch, UNDP and CIIP, along with other development partners, will explore avenues to bring together investors, companies, and policy makers to accelerate investments in the identified IOAs. This will help foster collaboration and help develop concrete solutions that advance Lao PDR’s sustainable development.

For more information on the Lao PDR SDG Investor Map and the identified IOAs, visit the global SDG Investor Platform.


About UNDP: UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality and climate change. Working with our broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries, we help nations to build integrated, lasting solutions for people and the planet. Learn more at or follow at @UNDP.


About Private Finance for the SDGs: UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub’s Private Finance for the SDGs leverages and aligns private sector investments, while strengthening policies and institutions to build an enabling environment for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. This service addresses the critical need for sustainable finance, aiming to transform the global financial architecture and bridge the SDG financing gap, with strategic partnerships playing a crucial role. By developing investment-ready opportunities, ensuring investments deliver financial returns and positive outcomes, and strengthening policy frameworks, Private Finance for the SDGs supports impactful investments that prioritize people and the planet. Through these efforts, UNDP fosters investments that yield comprehensive benefits for society, the economy, and the environment. Learn more at

About the Centre for Impact Investing and Practices (CIIP)

The Centre for Impact Investing and Practices (“CIIP”) was established in 2022 as a non-profit entity by Temasek Trust to foster impact investing and practices in Asia and beyond by building and sharing knowledge, bringing together stakeholders in the community, and bringing about positive action that accelerates the adoption of impact investing. CIIP is the anchor partner for UNDP’s Private Finance for the SDGs, providing Asia investors and businesses with clarity, insights and tools that support their contributions towards achieving the SDGs. Temasek and ABC Impact are CIIP’s strategic partners. For more information, please visit


Media Contact:

Korakot Tanseri 

Acacia Polatian

Korakan Luanglath