Lessons Learned Report - Social Protection and Community Resilience

Lessons Learned Report - Social Protection and Community Resilience
July 12, 2021
This report reflects on the key lessons to be learned from the SPCRP project, from the perspective of both project design and implementation. Emphasis is placed on good practices, and their replicability and sustainability. The report also considers a range of foundational matters, including the project contribution to not only resilience-building, but also the developmental paradigm in Yemen. Attention is paid to the need for an enhanced social protection framework in Yemen, with suggested pointers for strengthening.
Social protection programming in Yemen is affected by a worsening humanitarian crisis, widespread vulnerability experienced by Yemenis, and an inadequate social protection system. In this context, SPCRP aimed at strengthening the resilience of the Yemeni people, with particular attention to the inclusion of women, young people, and marginalised minorities. The intervention focused on:
- Increasing short-term income earning opportunity through labour intensive cash for work and asset upgrade and replacement for enhanced livelihoods and economic self-reliance of vulnerable Yemenis.
- Improving access to health care services (including psychosocial support – provided for in Result Area 3) and related infrastructure through community-based projects and provision of renewable energy.
- Restoring service delivery by strengthening the capacities of local authorities for planning, coordination and monitoring.