Ministry of Health and UNDP Launch Coronavirus Self-Checker Bot in Azerbaijan

April 15, 2020

Baku, 15 April 2020 - Today, the Public Health and Reforms Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan introduced a bot to help people make decisions about what to do if they have potential symptoms of COVID-19. The bot was created in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Called ‘Shefa’ (a popular name in Azerbaijan meaning health and recovery), the bot is available on the is external) website (under “Information about coronavirus” section).

Once Shefa is launched, the bot will ask you a series of questions, which aim to determine if the symptoms you are experiencing mean you should seek immediate help.

Users tell the bot their age, gender and whether they have any life-threatening symptoms from a list provided by Shefa. Based on the results, Shefa will offer advice and guidance on the next steps.

The coronavirus self-checker is intended to help the health authorities answer more queries, enabling medical professionals to look after patients who need critical care.

Shefa, however, is not intended to be used for diagnosis or treatment purposes and does not substitute consultations with medical specialists and clinical examination.

The bot is accessible to all individuals residing in Azerbaijan.

Self Checker Bot

Self Checker Bot