Gender Equality

Accelerate the achievement of gender equality in North Macedonia


In line with the new SDG 2030 Agenda, UNDP CO North Macedonia is placing gender equality and the empowerment of women in the center of its work in order to ensure that commitments on gender equality are translated into actions in all thematic areas: Inclusive Prosperity, Democratic Governance and Environment.

Our interventions are guided and informed by UNDP's Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025 and based on country specific analysis of gender inequalities and broader development issues. Recognizing that gender is a crucial element in understanding power imbalances, we direct our work towards changing the power structures that generate gender inequalities. The approach is a dual one and comprises gender mainstreaming in all programs and interventions as well as specific interventions aimed at empowering women and girls. Focus is placed on advancing gender-responsive public policies and services that deliver for all citizens, promoting community-based models that ensure that both women and men shape and benefit from solutions to crises, promoting measures that offer more opportunities for women to be more competitive on the labour market, including increased participation of women in STEM studies and careers as well improving the response to gender-based violence.

To achieve the highest standards in gender equality implementation, the office is undergoing the UNDP Gender Seal(link is external) Certification process. We are strongly committed in strengthening our internal capacities to fulfil the requirements related to programmatic and operational requests of the Gender Seal.

Latest Gender Equality Developments in North Macedonia

In the Global Gender Gap Report 2021(link is external), North Macedonia ranked 73rd out of 156 countries demonstrating the best performance in political empowerment, followed by health and survival, economic participation and opportunity and educational attainment.

The Gender Development Index in the Human Development Report 2022 indicates that globally, North Macedonia has a fairly high score but in the regional context it is obvious that it has to improve its efforts to meet the regional average and be placed in the first cohort of countries globally (currently placed in the third cohort).

As for the Gender Equality Index (link is external)and its last edition in 2019, North Macedonia’s score of 62 points sits just below the EU average of 67.4 points. This places the country in 16th place in comparison with the EU countries. In the domain of power, the country scores better than the EU. North Macedonia has 52.6 points, compared to the EU average of 51.9. However, significant gender inequalities remain, especially when it comes to income and earnings, and the sharing of household responsibilities.

Legal framework on Gender Equality

North Macedonia is signatory of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly, as one of the most comprehensive bills of rights for women which sets up the agenda for national action to end such discrimination. In addition, North Macedonia is signatory of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) and it is also committed to the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security.

The country`s legal framework on gender equality is aligned with the international and European human rights standards, conventions and other international human rights instruments.

Кey legal and strategic documents on gender equality include Law on Equal Opportunities of Women and Men(link is external) (2014), Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination (2020),(link is external) National Strategy for Anti-discrimination (2022-2026),(link is external) National Strategy for Gender Equality (2022-2027)(link is external), NAP on Implementation of the Istanbul Convention (2018-2023).(link is external)

We are sharing the multimedia promotional products in portraying part of our activities towards achieving Gender Equality in North Macedonia: