Kiribati Audit Office undergoes first performance assessment

September 11, 2019

Tarawa, Kiribati - In a first of its kind for Kiribati, a review team from the Pacific Supreme Audit Institution (PASAI) have assessed the relative importance and performance dimension of the Kiribati Audit Office. This was conducted using the international Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) which covers its core audit functions, legal framework, internal governance and communication with stakeholders which ensures the promotion of good governance and effective scrutiny of performance.  

Kiribati’s assessment was made possible through the Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project, funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). PASAI is a responsible party to the project and delivers the SAI component and contributes to the strengthening of the budget oversight capacities of PAC from the perspectives of SAIs.

The SAI PMF is a multi-purpose, universal framework that can be applied in all types of SAIs regardless of governance structure, mandate, national context and development level.

The Auditor General for the Government of Kiribati, Mr Eriati T Manaima, who took up office seven months ago said, “I’m looking forward to the report from this assessment to set an objective platform for me to work on in improving the Office’s performance.” 

The Chairman of the Audit Board, Dr Mareko Tofinga who also plays an oversight role over the operations of the Kiribati Audit Office as stipulated in the Audit Act 2017 echoed the sentiments of the Auditor General.

 “As a newly established body, we look forward to any guidance and advice from your report, on areas where the Audit Office needs to improve to align with international standards.” As the manager of the SAI PMF initiative across the whole PASAI region, Sina Palamo-Iosefo added, “With a new AG and a new Board who oversees the operations of the SAI, the assessment could not have taken place at a better time.”

She added, “We are certain that the SAI PMF assessment will provide essential information for the SAI and its Board to determine the relevant support to advance the SAI’s performance to international standards.”

The assessment included interviews with the Auditor General, and heads of divisions, a series of evidence-based enquiries and documentary reviews throughout the two-week process. The team comprised of representatives from PASAI, Fiji’s Office of the Auditor General, as well as from the Vanuatu National Audit Office.

The four-member team presented a summary of key findings from the assessment and provided an overview of the framework to all staff for their understanding about the relevance of the assessment to their individual role within the Office.

PASAI extends its gratitude to the EU and UNDP for their support through the ‘Strengthening PFM’ project, and to development partners MFAT and DFAT for their ongoing support and contributions to PASAI’s core funding.

The audit was held from 23 August to 4 September in Tarawa, Kiribati.

This is the third SAI Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) assessment in the PASAI region following the successful SAI PMF planning workshop that was held in Fiji early this year.

Contact information:

Jill Marshall, Communications Advisor, PASAI (Auckland, NZ) E:, P:+64 9 304 1893

Jone Tuiipelehaki Raqauqau, Effective Governance – Communications Associate, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji. E:, P: (679) 3227 552