Pohnpei, FSM –The Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management (DECEM) in the Federated States of Micronesia has a new upgrade following an extension to the building, in an effort to enhance the capacity of National Emergency Operational Center (NEOC). With this extension of the building, the NEOC will allow the National Disaster Committee (NDC) members to efficiently coordinate emergency responses.
The construction, worth US$164,570, is part of the Japan-funded project, entitled ‘Enhancing Disaster and Climate Resilience in the Federated States of Micronesia through improved Disaster Preparedness and Infrastructure (EDCR FSM Project)’, which aims to improve the capacity for preparedness and mitigation of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) to man-made, geo-physical and climate- related hazards and to climate change impact.
The Division of Emergency Management under DECEM was designated as responsible for disaster management under the Act for coordinating national activities and assisting states. The construction started in November 2021 and was completed in May 2022, in order to reduce the staff occupancy and provide a dedicated space for NEOC.
A hand-over ceremony was organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with DECEM, and attended by Honorable Andrew Yatilman, Secretary of DECEM, Mr. Jaap van Hierden, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Micronesia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the FSM, H.E. Michigami Hisasi, and Deputy Resident Representative and Country Manager for the UNDP Pacific Office in the FSM, Mr. Kevin Petrini.
In addition, a High Frequency (HF) and a Very High Frequency (VHF) radios were also supplied and installed at DECEM to enhance disaster communication with key emergency operation facilities in the FSM. The new HF radio has the function of selective calling system which can alert specific radio base without disturbing other bases and can send a short message, contributing for improving the quality of communication and coordination. A series of trainings have been provided to DECEM and State disaster officers and the installation to outer islands are under implementation.
His Excellency Mr. Michigami Hisashi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to FSM said, “This National Emergency Operation Center will be utilized effectively anytime and is well prepared for emergencies.”
In his remarks during the hand-over ceremony from the United Nations, Jaap van Hierden, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Micronesia, expressed his appreciation to the Government of Japan for their generous support, which enables UNDP to work with the Government of FSM on the enhancement of the country’s resilience to the impact of disasters and climate change, COVID-19 response and recovery and the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). In regards to the capacity building of operation of HF and VHF radio, Mr Hierden said that, “Although the majority of radio operators are men, we are encouraged to have more women participation especially during the trainings of solar system which will supply power for radios”.
The UNDP EDCR project, since its commencement in 2019, has provided equipment strategic to Palau’s disaster risk management. The project aims to strengthen gender sensitive disaster communication and climate monitoring systems; enhance gender sensitive national and state disaster responder’s readiness capacity; and enhance community disaster resilience through improved water resource management and integrated gender and social inclusion awareness.
For more information, please contact:
Takiko Ifamilik, Finance and Administrative Officer, Enhancing Disaster and Climate Resilience in the Federated States of Micronesia Project, UNDP Office in FSM, Tel: +(691) 320 4456, Email: takiko.ifamilik@undp.org