No one left behind in disaster communication in Palau

September 5, 2022
Palau Communication

President of Palau, H.E. Surangel Whipps Jr., announcing the completion of the new AM broadcasting system.

Photo: UNDP

Koror, Palau – The entire population in the Republic of Palau will now be able to receive emergency messages via newly installed Amplitude Modulation (AM) Broadcasting System. 

The installation work of the Amplitude Modulation (AM) Broadcasting System totaling US$755,920 was completed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) under the Enhancing Disaster and Climate Resilience in the Republic of Palau through the improved Disaster Preparedness and Infrastructure (EDCR Palau) Project to enhance disaster communications in Palau. An official handover was held on Thursday, 1 September 2022, attended by President of Palau, H.E. Surangel Whipps, Jr., Minister of State, Hon. Gustav Aitaro, and Ambassador of Japan in Palau, H.E. KARASAWA Akira.

When Typhoon Bopha and Typhoon Haiyan hit Palau in 2012 and 2013, the country lost a vital communication tool for emergencies and disasters, as the Amplitude Modulation (AM) antenna was damaged. As a result, the national broadcaster lost its reach nationwide and could not communicate to its people, especially those living on remote islands. Since the Typhoons, the AM radio frequency, which conveys vital information, especially regarding natural-related disasters, could be heard by the far remote southern islands of Sonsorol, Hatohobei, the Northern Island of Kayangel, as well as by boats sailing within the Exclusive Economic Zone.

"We've seen how the impact of natural disasters can be minimized when the community as a whole is informed and able to work together to protect their families, their homes and/or businesses," President Surangel S. Whipps, Jr. stated. 

"The AM tower is an essential tool for the National Emergency Management Office and the Bureau of Archives and Media. With the ability to share extremely important information to the widest group possible when a typhoon or other emergency is upon us. We can potentially help save lives even when all other modes of communication fail." 

"I want to thank the government of Japan for their generous assistance with funding, and everyone else who had a hand in making this project possible and to all who saw it through Kom kmal mesaul," President Whipps added. 

With funding from the Government of Japan, UNDPs intervention will allow Palau to regain the nation-wide broadcasting service.

Malakal Hilltop

From L-R: Ms. Eunice Akiwo(Director, Bureau of Domestic Affairs), Mr. Waymine Towai(Executive Director, NEMO), Mr. Brian Melairei(Director, Bureau of Public Works), Ambassador Karasawa, Ms. Linda Ngirameketeii (Director, Bureau of Archives & Media), HE president Surangel Whipps Jr and Ms. Yoko Ebisawa, EDCR Project Manager.

Photo: UNDP

The initiative is supporting the Bureau of Archives and Media, under the Ministry of State, which is responsible for disseminating public policy and public awareness materials, including disaster-related warnings and awareness via radio programs. Radio has a strong role to play in keeping communities up to date with events and advising them of practical steps to take to reduce the impact of disasters. It remains one of the most trusted media and plays a critical role in delivering life-saving information, especially in rural and remote areas.

The reconstruction of the AM broadcasting system is being implemented with a wide range of partners in Palau, including the Bureau of Public Works, the National Emergency Management Office (NEMO), the Koror State and Palau Public Utilities Corporation (PPUC), all under the leadership of Vice President and Minister of Justice. 

The Minister for State, Hon. Gustav Aitaro said, “The construction, completion and handover of the AM Tower is a testimony and a visual declaration that Palau is and will be well informed during times of pandemic and natural disasters. Real time and Live Stream information will be readily available to the public mass to access safety and security during disasters and pandemic”. 

“The Ministry of State/ Bureau of Archives and Media is a dedicated member the NEC, and this completed infrastructure further solidifies our role and engagement with NEC and the Republic in broadcasting vetted, authorized and accurate information in a real time manner. This generous support from the Government of Japan and implemented through UNDP is and will continue to change lives here in Palau,” the Minister added.

His Excellency Mr. KARASAWA Akira, Ambassador of Japan to Palau said, “I hope that this AM system will be utilized for a long time to protect lives and properties of people in Palau as an essential component of Palau’s disaster management system.”

UNDP North Pacific Office Deputy Resident Representative Mr. Kevin Petrini in his remarks said, “Through the generous financial contribution of the Government of Japan, UNDP was able to collaborate with the Palauan Government to restore communication and reconstruct the AM broadcasting system and its associated bandwidth capabilities to allow important messages to be relayed across to the furthest Southwest Islands of Palau in real time and anytime of the day.”

This support has been made possible through UNDP under the project entitled “Enhancing Disaster and Climate Resilience in the Republic of Palau through improved Disaster Preparedness and Infrastructure,” funded by the Government of Japan for a total of US$7.5million. 

The UNDP EDCR project, since its commencement in 2019, has provided equipment strategic to Palau’s disaster risk management. The project aims to strengthen gender sensitive disaster communication and climate monitoring systems; enhance gender sensitive national and state disaster responder’s readiness capacity; and enhance community disaster resilience through improved water resource management and integrated gender and social inclusion awareness.

Malakal Hilltop, Koror, Palau

The official handover was attended by President of Palau, H.E. Surangel Whipps, Jr.; Minister of State, Hon. Gustav Aitaro; Vice-President and Minister for Justice, Hon. J. Uduch Sengebau; and Ambassador of Japan in Palau, H.E. KARASAWA Akira.

Photo: UNDP

For more information, please contact: 
Paula Cirikiyasawa, Country Project Coordinator, EDCR Project Office in the Republic of Palau; tel: +(691) 320 4456; email: