Palau Disaster Preparedness and Improved Infrastructure

The project aims to improve Palau's resilience capacity in preparing and mitigating man-made, geo-physical, climate hazards and other related hazards. The project responds to the goal that 'by 2022, people and ecosystems in the Pacific are more resilient to the impacts of climate change, climate variability and disasters; and environmental protection is strengthened' as outlined in Outcome 1 of the UN Pacific Strategy 2018-2022.

The project is in cooperation with the Government of Japan and will contribute to achieving the goals of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Sustainable Development Goals, eliminate threat to human security, and protect gains of sustainable development. The project is also consistent with the 2020 Palau National Master Development Plan priority of mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and is aligned with the National Disaster Risk Management Framework's vision of a safe, resilient and prepared communities in Palau. 

Given the nature of the project, concerted efforts is devoted in responding to urgent and unpredicted needs that rise out of slow or sudden onset natural hazards impacting livelihoods, economy and persistent inequalities. The outcome will be achieved by

  1. Strengthening disaster communication and climate and tsunami monitoring systems
  2. Enhancing national and state disaster preparedness capacity, and
  3. Enhancing community disaster and climate resilience by improving water and food resource management, and inclusive livelihood diversification.