Support to Solomon Islands disaster management and response capacity, including the COVID-19 crisis response

This project calls for continued technical and financial support along two interconnected tiers: (i) the continuation of institutional capacity development, coordination, planning and policy advisory support to consolidate the establishment of a robust and resilient Solomon Islands disaster management and response structure capable of delivering whole of a government response at national and provincial levels; and (ii) immediate assistance in relation to the multifaceted COVID-19 crisis, led by the National Disaster Manageement Office (NDMO) and sector committees.

The activities and needs outlined in the project are based on the discussions, lessons learned and on-going activities of UNOCHA-UNDP project to support NDMO, including recent COVID-19 response and recovery efforts. It can easily be adapted to the changing situation and scaled accordingly to meet specific demands that may emerge in the course of implementing the project, in close consultation with the national partners and the donor.