Supporting mainstreamed achievement of roadmap targets on energy in Nauru

The project objective is to increase the use of feasibile renewable energy and energy efficient techonologies in supporting socio-economic development in Nauru according to its energy roadmap targets. 

The Government of Nauru has set three ambitious energy targets in the Nauru Energy Road Map 2014 - 2020 and following updates, respectively: 

  1. 24/7 grid electricity supply with minimal interruptions; 
  2. 50% of grid electricity supplied from renewable energy sources and 
  3. 30% improvement in energy efficiency in the residential, commercial and government sectors. 

So far, efforts have been focused primarily on achieving the first target, which is based largely on technical expertise of the national utility management team requiring very limited financial resources. Currently available technical and financial resources are insufficient to fully achieve all three targets, unless additional support from international donors is made available. The project will provide the required technical assistance and financial resources. The project design followed a strategy based on removing all barriers indentified during the project preparation.