Benefits of ARV Treatment

Benefits of ARV Treatment
March 9, 2020
Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the treatment for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection using a combination of Antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. ARV drugs do not ‘kill’ HIV virus but prevents HIV virus from multiplying and destroying infection fighting CD4 (soldier of the body) cells. CD4 cell are an important part of the immune system because they fight germs and infection. This helps the body fight off life threatening infections and cancer. Although the anti-HIV medication cannot cure HIV infection but ARV stops the HIV virus causing damage to the body. Early detection of HIV and starting ARV immediately will lead to a good life. Studies shows that people with HIV live much longer due to ARV than those who are not taking ARVs. If you have been taking HIV medication (ARV drugs) consistently, your viral load will be very low or undetectable, this will eventually mean that you will not pass/transmit HIV to your sexual partners and children during pregnancy, child-birth and breast feeding.