Citizens Budget Guide Tonga

Citizens Budget Guide Tonga
April 1, 2021
This document helps to understand the current Budget Statement and see the place of each citizen in it. It reminds us that the budget is the money of all its inhabitants, and shows that this money in the budget does not appear out of anywhere, and budget expenditures are not made only at the request of someone. It demonstrates the opportunities for each stakeholder to influence the formation and spending of the budget.
According to the Budget Statement 2020-2021, the Budget theme for FY 2020/21,
‘God is my Refuge and my Fortress’, provides encouragement and support the government’s plans and initiatives to respond to the unprecedented challenge pose by the COVID-19 pandemic which is affecting Tonga and all other countries in the world.
The Citizens Budget Guide was developed by the Civil Society Forum Tonga (CSFT) with the support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Pacific Islands Association of Non-governmental Organisations (PIANGO) thanks to funding by the European Union.