Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - Nanumaga and Nanumea

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - Nanumaga and Nanumea
May 2, 2021
The Government of Tuvalu has requested assistance from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to create a Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP) with the overall objective to reduce the vulnerability of three islands in Tuvalu to the impacts of climate change, namely Nanumaga, Nanumea and Funafuti. The project involves the construction of hard and soft coastal protection infrastructure at these three locations to reduce inundation as well as reduce coastal erosion.
The proposed works at Nanumaga and Nanumea were screened during initial GCF project appraisal and have been classified as ‘moderate risk’ according to the UNDP Social and Environmental Standards. Moderate risk projects are those that include activities with potential adverse social and environmental risks and impact, that are limited in scale, can be identified with a reasonable degree of certainty, and can be addressed through application of standard best practice, mitigation measures and stakeholder engagement during project implementation.
The overall aim of this report is to provide an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for all project elements including ancillary sites and activities for the works. It provides a description of the baseline conditions and it details the predicted qualitative and quantitative impacts from the project activities. It also provides the set of mitigations, monitoring, and institutional measures to be taken during the implementation of TCAP.