Facilitating Access to Infrastructure Resilience in Area C and East Jerusalem (FAIR)


Project Summary

The FAIR programme is a multi-donor platform which aims to empower and strengthen national institutions to plan and deliver essential public and social Infrastructure in Area C and East Jerusalem through providing increased access to sustainable, equitable and affordable infrastructure. The programme, implemented jointly by the Ministry of Local Government (MoLG) and UNDP, will focus on health, education, housing, cultural heritage, energy, transportation, water and wastewater and consequently, will increase communities’ resilience, improve livelihoods and safeguard their existence.

The programme provides several mechanisms for implementation, including the provision of innovative, alternative and sustainable solutions, while also delivering construction and rehabilitation activities.

The programme structure includes all essential components that contribute to achieving the ultimate outcome (sustainability, equitability with special focus on marginalized communities and minorities, gender, and environment).
The FAIR programme targets approximately one million people living in Area C and East Jerusalem, generating over 62,000 workdays. The activities in both East Jerusalem and Area C are identified through on-going community needs assessments carried out by UNDP.

Under the Programme, special focus is given to marginalized communities and minorities (disaggregated by sex, age and geographical area). The Programme will directly benefit Palestinian women in the targeted communities who represent approximately 50% of the total population. Upon its completion, the programme has delivered remarkable results on the ground, positively contributed to enhancing the lives of many Palestinians, through a series of nationally selected intervention priorities in social, public and economic services, emanating from the programme guiding principles and its objectives.

Accomplishments and Progress

  • Emphasized Palestinian identity and culture through the establishment of the first Public Library in the Old City of Jerusalem serving around 35,000 people, with focus on local community students and marginalized groups.
  • Provided free education to over 350 students through the establishment of a new boy’s secondary school in Jerusalem to reduce the shortage in classrooms.
  • More than 20,000 students in East Jerusalem benefited from quality education services.
  • 87,000 disadvantaged people in the West Bank benefited from improved access and transportation infrastructure; to enhance safer transport and efficient mobility of people and goods, as well as support to the productive sectors including tourism and agriculture.
  • 1500 Palestinians benefited from improved living conditions and increased access to adequate housing.
  • Establishment of a quality scouts centre in Bethlehem City targeting youth.
  • 9000 patients receiving healthcare in East Jerusalem benefited from improved infrastructure. The Neurology department at Al Makassed Hospital was supported through the provision of medical equipment necessary for sustainable operation and quality services. A Photo Voltaic Plant with a total capacity of 103 KWp, and a Building Management System, Energy Efficiency equipment and tools provided for the St. Joseph Hospital, and finally the rehabilitation and upgrading of the Augusta Victoria Cancer Care Centre.
  • 62,559 working days generated through the programme.
Geographic Coverage: Area C and East Jerusalem
Partners: Multi parners and donors platform – Bahrain, Norway,Italy, OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), State of Palestine
Sustainable Development Goal/s: Good Health, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Industry and infrastructure, Sustainable cities
Project Manager: Motaz Dawabsheh, Programme Design and Implementation Analyst
Contact: +972-2-6268200,Email: motaz.dawabsheh@undp.org
Other Documents: Project Fact Sheet