Panel Discussion to mark launch of 2023/2024 Human Development Report

UNDP Papua New Guinea officially launched the Regional Human Development Report 2024 and the Global Human Development Report (23/24) in a discussion session at the University of Papua New Guinea new lecture theatre on Monday, June 3.

June 3, 2024

Mr. Booth presenting the HDR at the new lecture theatre at the University of Papua New Guinea

Clive Hawigen l UNDP Papua New Guinea

The regional report titled ‘Making our Future: New Directions for Human Development in the Asia-Pacific’ prompts discussions into reevaluating approaches in the face of looming challenges.

Resident Representative, Mr. Nicholas Booth gave an overview of the Regional Human Development Report, and also took the opportunity to present statistics from the latest Global Human Development Report and updated Human Development Index (HDI) for Papua New Guinea.

The HDI is a summary measure for assessing average achievement in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living. Papua New Guinea's HDI value for 2022 is 0.568— which puts the country in the Medium human development category—positioning it at 154 out of 193 countries. The new estimate showcases the country’s progress since 1990 with increases in life expectancy, mean years of schooling and gross national income but much remains to be done. 

“Despite the region’s past successes, the report exposes disparities and identifies three converging threats to future development which require new directions.   We are off track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030; human insecurity is sharply increasing; and we face multiple risks from climate change, unsustainable growth models and high levels of indebtedness.  These regional threats are also issues facing Papua New Guinea,” said Mr. Booth.

UNDP Papua New Guinea Resident Representative Mr. Nicholas Booth explaining the Human Development Report

Clive Hawigen l UNDP Papua New Guinea

Vice-Chancellor of UPNG, Professor Cecelia Nembou, former Permanent Representative to the UN for PNG Mr. Robert Aisi, UNDP Economic Analyst, Ms. Victoria Bopi and Commonwealth Student Association Ms. Lovanchor Dotson were part of the panel discussion.

Participants, comprising mostly UPNG students, highlighted the need to have latest and accurate statistics based on population and development that will inform the government, policy makers and development partners on the status of PNGs growth. They also highlighted the need for quality education to improve standards in the country.

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea, Professor Cecelia Nembou

Clive Hawigen l UNDP Papua New Guinea

“We have too many challenges. Papua New Guinea is very complex with over 800 different tribes. But let’s be positive. Let’s work together to make our country the best that it can be and the best in the Pacific. We need to have more of these types of discussions, academic and social discourse to generate awareness and knowledge in the community,” said Professor Nembou.

“We at UNDP consider one of our important functions is to contribute to keeping the debate about Human Development going and there is no more appropriate place to discuss our Human Development Report than here at the University of Papua New Guinea,” Mr. Booth added.

To find out more about the report and Papua New Guinea’s HDI please follow link here: Specific country data | Human Development Reports (