Papua New Guinea National REDD+ Strategy 2017-2027


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Papua New Guinea National REDD+ Strategy 2017-2027

May 2, 2018

The Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) officially launched its National REDD+ Strategy (NRS) 2017-2027 in 2017. The strategy is a key part of PNG’s response to climate change and the country’s Green Growth Development agenda as per the National Strategy for Responsible and Sustainable Development.

The NRS aims to strengthen sustainability of PNG’s forest while helping to improve land use planning and management to ensure PNG’s forests and environments are protected. This will in turn reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the vulnerability of communities to climate change.

Currently, a development of a National REDD+ Finance and Investment Plan is underway for PNG to ensure long-term sustainable financing and management systems are in place to support the implementation of the Strategy.

The NRS was developed by the Climate Change and Development Authority and PNG Forest Authority including other government agencies, civil society and the private sector representatives. The United Nations Development Programme supported the development of the NRS with funding from the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF).

Implementation of the NRS will help PNG meet its international obligations on climate change by reducing a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2050, as laid out in the Vision 2050.